The Shitposting Thread

"More Muslims live in Sydney and Melbourne therefore those areas are statistically more likely to suffer from actions of radicalism." All I'm saying is your side of the country will be dominated by Islam first, based on trends and demographics projections. Thanks for buttressing my point. :D

Your point was fucked to begin with and remains fucked now, if anything it really only serves to prove how a little knowledge can be more dangerous than no knowledge at all. But go ahead keep on winning sunshine!
Oh, nice. That would be because I don’t stalk people I don’t know.
Sorry, I forgot that you feel threatened by anything more than edgy single sentence responses. :lol:

Yeah, I really feel threatened, unemployed, welfare-siphoning edgelord.
Damn I don't know how you so accurately read people.
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Damn you got me.

How often do you go without posting? 1, maybe 2 hours? You’re just a degenerate Aussie methhead and its utterly transparent. Some people outside of the forum have even said that you seem like you’re schizophrenic. Might wanna take it a bit more easy on the speed, eh?
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