The Top 5 List Thread

For the melo death:

Eucharist - Mirrorworlds
Sacrilege - Lost in the Beauty You Slay (the other album is cool too, this one's a bit blacker but there's still a lota Dissection worship on the second)
Gates of Ishtar - I forget which is my favourite but all 3 are decent

Can't really think of much else asides the listenable albums by the big bands. Some of the bands that get a lot of hate like Amon Amarth and Soilwork had some good riffing in the past.
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My store has Jazz apples but they're the most expensive ones so I haven't tried them yet. Should probably by one or two next time I'm there.
My store has Jazz apples but they're the most expensive ones so I haven't tried them yet. Should probably by one or two next time I'm there.
They are amazing when they’re in season. Crispy and super flavoursome. Easily my fave apple experience.
I haven’t seen Opal apples here.
I find it hard to describe foods, especially apples where crispy and sweet/flavorful are kinda what everyone's looking for anyways, but one perk of Opals in addition to the usual is that they're very efficient. Even though I'm not against eating the core, at least if the apple is good, the flesh is very consistent throughout almost the entire apple and the seeds are tightly clustered, unlike some apples where half of it is stringy due to seeds being spread all over.
Watched The Da Vinci Code and Mulholland Drive this past week.

Favorite Da Vinci Code scenes:
  1. Leigh decoding The Last Supper
  2. "Flashback" of the war between the Priory and Opus Dei
  3. Opening the cryptex
  4. Discovering Sophie's identity
  5. The trip to the Swiss bank

Favorite Mulholland Drive scenes:
  1. Silencio theater
  2. Transition sequence after the box is opened
  3. Ending scene with Diane
  4. Betty's audition
  5. The nightmare at Winkie's
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Can't be any worse than your Turkish ancestors tbh.

Dental records prove I have a slight overbite. That face is extremely exaggerated as I hate smiling for pictures. Although every time I go to the dentist he always comments how nice my teeth are. Genetics was kind to me in that aspect at least.