The Top 5 List Thread

Still playing Hearthstone. Gotten over the Raza Shadowreaper thing. Here's my favorite cards I use in ranked play now:
  1. Carnivorous Cube (love the new Cube Warlock archetype, and the choice to go aggro by duplicating Doomguard or anti-aggro with Voidlord)
  2. Defile (fun to set up combo kills with, especially if I can drop a spell damage minion first)
  3. Alexstrasza (fun having a choice between halving the opponent's health before a big attack or restoring my own)
  4. Dragoncaller Alanna (filling the board with 5/5 minions once the opponent's run out of good cards is so satisfying)
  5. Skulking Geist (fuck Jade Druid)
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Shadowreaper Anduin changes the hero power to Shadowform, except every time you play a card it is refreshed so it’s way better. Can be comboed with Raza that makes the hero power cost 0 mana. Might interest you to play the game again. The problem with Hearthstone is that it’s terrible for new players because grinding for gold when you have a shitty collection of cards is awful and it’s the only way to get new cards other than dropping real money on the game.

Emperor Thaurissan was my favourite card for a long time, even though it enabled dumb one shot combos.
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Top 5 metal demos from 2017:

1. Asphodelus - The Veil Between the Worlds (a head above the rest for me, fucking awesome demo)
2. Tomb Mold - Cryptic Transmissions
3. Ritual Mist - Demo 2017
4. Grave Ascension - Sin Never Dies
5. Funereality - Flabby Folds of Flesh

Top 5 metal EPs from 2017:

1. Autopsy - Puncturing the Grotesque
2. Cromlech - Iron Guard
3. Iron Flesh - Worship the Necrogod
4. Iron Griffin - Iron Griffin (drummer from Mausoleum Gate's side solo project, good traditional metal)
5. Quayde LaHüe - Day Of The Oppressor


Nekro Drunkz - Sleaze Metal Slaughter
Watcher's Guard - Watcher's Guard
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top 5 Darkthrone songs

1. En Vind av Sorg
2. In the Shadow of the Horns
3. Skald av Satans Sol
4. Quintessence
5. To Walk the Infernal Fields

1. In His Lovely Kingdom
2. Paragon Belial
3. (Birth of Evil) Virgin Sin
4. Rex
5. En vind av sorg
Goatlord is the opposite of a lukewarm album. Either you're a man of taste and love its ambition and weird twisty songwriting, or you're a pussy and can't handle the production and Fenriz's beautiful womanly vocals, but it's an album that seems hard to be lukewarm on.
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No ordeer

In flames - The Jester Race
Dark tranquillity - the gallery
Edge of sanity - purgatory afterglow
Hypocrisy - abductesld
Carcass - heartwork
And the album from AtG that preceds slaughter of the soul (I guess its terminal spirit disease)
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Eucharist - A Velvet Creation
At the Gates - With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness
Sentenced - North From Here
Unanimated - Ancient God of Evil
Crown of Thorns - Eternal Death

Thanks! I have North From Here and With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness already but the other 3 look promising, I think I may know Unanimated from somewhere... Anyways cheers, going to hit these up on Youtube once I have time to spare.

Can rec more stuff in a similar vein if you're interested.

Sure, if you can be bothered. :thumbsup: