The Top 5 List Thread

Top 5 episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

1. The Gang Goes on Family Fight
2. The Nightman Cometh
3. Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo
4. The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem
5. The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis
6. Charlie Work

(couldn't leave out Charlie Work)

Pretty surprised you included so many newer episodes.


1. Frank's Pretty Woman
2. The D.E.N.N.I.S. System
3. Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City
4. Mac and Charlie: White Trash
5. The Gang Recycles Their Trash

Next five for a Top 10:

6. The Gang Buys a Boat
7. Dee Gives Birth
8. Mac and Dennis: Manhunters
9. The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention
10. The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis


Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life
The Gang Gets Invincible
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It's possible I included so many recent episodes because I have a stronger memory of the later seasons. There are some episodes from the early seasons I should watch again.

"Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire" is one of my favorites from the earlier seasons.
For me season 10 is when the steep decline in quality comes in, though I still enjoyed the season. I remember almost nothing about season 11 though and haven't seen any of the episodes after season 11 at all.
I'm curious why you think there was ever a steep decline in quality, the popular opinion seems to be that the series has stayed consistent throughout or even improved. I think you should watch season 12 at least, it's unequivocally the best of the newer seasons, just classic episode after classic episode.

I'm 7 episodes into season 13 and so far it's wildly inconsistent, basically a 50/50 split between "the best episodes of Always Sunny I've ever seen" and "the worst episodes of Always Sunny I've ever seen".
Popular opinion says many things, I'd take it with a grain of salt in pretty much any context.

I don't really know how to put my finger on what it is that changed with the show, but I'm pretty sure I didn't laugh out loud once during season 11. :erk: When it comes to comedy I just go with my instincts instead of trying to really dissect it, I'm sure if I sat down and thought about it and compared the seasons I could figure out what it is.

5 favourite vampire movies:

1. Blade
2. Blood for Dracula
3. Vampire's Kiss (the insanity and goofiness just speaks to me for some reason)
4. John Carpenter's Vampires
5. Mr. Vampire


Dracula '58
From Dusk till Dawn
The Lost Boys

Need to rewatch both Nosferatu films, Fright Night, Blacula, Interview with a Vampire, Cronos, and I need to see The Addiction and Near Dark, both look fucking amazing.
1. The Addiction
2. Female Vampire
3. Requiem for a Vampire
4. Vampyres
5. Near Dark


Vampyros Lesbos
Rape of the Vampire
The Nude Vampire
Shiver of the Vampires
Lips of Blood
Two Orphan Vampires
Fiancée of Dracula
The Blood Splattered Bride
Red Blooded American Girl
Vampires (Carpenter)
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Since I recently got around to watching The Last Temptation of Christ and New York, New York I figured I'd do this one.

5 favourite Scorsese films:

1. Taxi Driver (GOAT in general for me)
2. Casino
3. Goodfellas
4. Raging Bull
5. The Last Temptation of Christ

One I really wanna see is Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore.

Edit: I'll probably get shit for this but Liza is a cutie in New York, New York (and even Lucky Lady TBH).

I prefer Frogtown just a bit more I think.
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I was underwhelmed by Cape Fear personally. I still need to see King of Comedy and After Hours.

I actually love both Cape Fears, even though the Scorsese remake is very similar to the original. It pierces the safe suburban nuclear family in the same way as the likes of Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street and exposes their own failings and hypocrisies. There is a genuine and constant sense of danger and threat, not only in the physical threat of De Niro's character Cady, but also in Nolte's own choices - unlike stereotypical revenge flicks where the avenger seems to have a kind of freedom once they're off the chain, you feel the consequences of each of Nolte's decisions (ie that he might be the one arrested and convicted not Cady).