the "translate please" thread

rahvin said:
is there music with that?

there is. the song is le 65isme by buck 65, from the imo brilliant album secret house against the world. it's supposed to be available for streaming at Buck 65 , although it doesn't seem to work all that well at the moment.
Nidhogg glir over himmelen som et luftskip med svarte fjær.
Under Gnipahelleren står hunden Garm og gneldrer
mot Yggdralivsaskens ni verdensheimer.
Over Midgård henger guden Apollon.
I det svarte huset raser Hels ild gjennom rommene.
Ragnarok for apene som trommes frem i mørket.
Solen mørkner over ligner ikke en sol.
Skiven mørkner over lidelse og lyst.
Masser av mennesker foran apokalyptiske hus.
De flammende seklene jager sine syndere.
En annen ligger strukket over en terning av is.
Han mates med terninger så han aldri mer blir sulten.
I det svarte huset raser Hels ild gjennom rommene.
Ragnarok for apene som trommes frem i mørket.
Solen mørkner over lidelse og lyst.
De skal dø uten navn, uten hjem, uten tro.
Det svarte huset hvor Hels ild raser gjennom rommene,
stedet for de glatte apene som trommes frem i mørket.
Her brennes æser, kjemper, griffer og dverger.
Til slutt skal menneskene våge seg uti
det de kalte Muspellsheim og Helvete, uten tro.
En mann bøyes over et skjold med pigger.
I det svarte huset raser Hels ild gjennom rommene.
Ragnarok for apene som trommes frem i mørket.
Solen mørkner over lidelse og lyst.
De skal dø uten navn, uten hjem, uten tro.
Ragnarok for apene som trommes frem i mørket.
De skal dø uten navn, uten hjem, uten tro.

Are there even any Norwegians on the board?

Also if the same wonderful person won't mind, but do set priority on the first piece:

I mørket under jorden
ligger dvergenes gruver
Den hvite dronning faller
i Regins svarte hull
Skalden søker
en konges skamhevn
Dronningen dulgt
i småfolkets berg
Dvergene stimler
om fagermøya sammen
Skrekk står å se
i Berg-Disas blikk
Hva vondt har jeg gjort?
Hvor tar du meg hen?
Tåresalt drysser
på gulvert av gull
Her skal du bli
svikefulle kvinne
Ta skalden til mann
og skammen i hug
And let me know, what the guy said, I wanna know, too! :)
I asked my prof, he's responsible for production engineering, automation and the likes and he didnt know, but apparently, americans like to invent words which are then known to and used by only a certain circle of "inside people" but arent known or standardised outside and should be reformulated/explained in texts. He said it's not that rare an issue.. you know how they are, the murricans ;)
I asked my prof, he's responsible for production engineering, automation and the likes and he didnt know, but apparently, americans like to invent words which are then known to and used by only a certain circle of "inside people" but arent known or standardised outside and should be reformulated/explained in texts. He said it's not that rare an issue.. you know how they are, the murricans ;)

Yes, thats true. I included a note to the client in my mail saying that I dont have a fucking clue about that particular phrase. :D
This one's in Latin:
Stelle matutine
Radius exoritur
Nostri noctem illuminat
Et tenebras exterminat
Luce qui aurea
Mundi omnia
it's not precisely latin. it sounds like a crossover between (pig) latin, italian, romanian.

o morning star
a ray arises
brightens the night for us
and destroys darkness
o golden light
cleaning everything

or something like that - but the grammar is really fucked up so maybe it's not exactly what the author meant.

as for the pic, terrassa is a place in catalunya, close to barcelona. the sign means 'business accommodation services of terrassa', and it's in spanish, not catalan.
Thanks, hyena!
Can someone please translate this for me?

These are lyrics from a song called "Arv", by the swedish band "Fejd"
( FEJD ; their songs can be downloaded for free there)

Thanks a lot!


En dag nu gryr ur svunnen tid
Rösen manar skogens mörka ed
Sälla dig till harg och griftens vida famn

Ty jorden ni gav som svedjat land
En vilja av tro som aldrig dör

Så murken äro ekens stam
Åldern minnar unge mannens värv
Han giver jorden sitt blot som eken skänker sitt blad

Ty jorden ni gav...

Se hurledes korpen far
över furan mot en helgad dal
där vördnad råda skall, där alver städse bli

Ty jorden ni gav...

För forsarnas sång är livets stäv
Porla varligt, strömmen äro så skälmsk
Ack nejdens fagra spår, skilda vägar vi gå

Ty jorden ni gav...
can somebody please translate this from finnish? :)

"pukeista parhain"

Literally: The best of the goats.

Could also mean a dozen different things, depending on the context, as "pukki" (goat) has several meanings. It could very well be the best of the Santa Clauses, or the best fucker.

Can someone please translate this for me?

These are lyrics from a song called "Arv", by the swedish band "Fejd"
( FEJD ; their songs can be downloaded for free there)

Thanks a lot!

Here's my shot at a translation. I couldn't bother to translate it into the same old-fashioned style in English at it's written in in Swedish. If it doesn't make sense, it's probably depends a little more on the author than on me. :Smug:

Heritage (by FEUD)

"A day now dawns from a time long passed
The cairns summons the forest’s dark oath
Join the barrow and the wide embrace of the crypt

For the soil you gave as burn-beat land
A will of faith that never dies

So rotted are the trunk of the oak
The age recalls the young man’s work
He gives the soil his sacrifice just as the oak offers its leaf

For the soil you gave...

Se thus how the raven travels
Over the pine towards a hallowed valley
Where reverence will reign, where elves ever becomes

For the soil you gave...

For the song of the torrents are the stem of life
Purl carefully, the stream are so mischievous
Alas, the beautiful trail of the clime, separated ways we go"