the "translate please" thread

Cuthalion said:
I'm sorry but i don't know anything about it. I have never been to Pula, does the word PULA mean something in swedish? Marduk i guess the pleasure of explaining will fall to you :dopey:

it can be slang for simply doing something, "pula med något" (med något = with something). i hardly think anyone uses it today, though...
Hitori said:
that's a horribly written review. I mean, it says good things and I'm curious to hear the alleged Falkenbach inspiration, but the person who wrote it obviously has no idea what periods are for. Anyway, I'm 2/3 done with it, I'll PM it to you or if you want I can put it here.

Thank you very much! Must have been a lot of work. Hitori rules!

Thanks for the offer
Anyone who can help me out here? :)

Son tantas noches

Si estas pensando que no sufri
Que ha sido facil vivir sin ti
No te equivoques quise morir
No te equivoques senti morir

Cuanto te amaba no se decir
Fuiste mi aire para vivir
Y sin embargo te fuiste tu
Y sin embargo te fuiste tu

Coro: son tantas noche que no dormi
Tantas estrellas que vi morir
Porque te fuiste lejos de mi
Son tantas noches que no dormi

Cuanto te amaba no se decir
Fuiste mi aire para vivir
Y sin embargo te fuiste tu
Y sin embargo te fuiste tu

Coro: son tantas noches que no dormi
tantas estrellas que vi morir
Porgue te fuiste lejos de mi
son tantas noches que no dormi
Diana said:
Anyone who can help me out here?
There you go:

Son tantas noches They're so many nights

Si estás pensando que no sufrí If you're thinking that i didn't suffer
Que ha sido fácil vivir sin ti That it's been easy to live without you
No te equivoques, quise morir Don't be wrong, i wanted to die
No te equivoques, sentí morir Don't be wrong, i felt i was dying

Cuánto te amaba no sé decir How much i loved you i cannot say
Fuiste mi aire para vivir You were my air to live
Y sin embargo te fuiste tú And yet you went away
Y sin embargo te fuiste tú And yet you went away

Son tantas noches que no dormí They're so many nights in which i didn't sleep
Tantas estrellas que vi morir So many stars i watched dying
Por qué te fuiste lejos de mí? Why did you go far away from me?
Son tantas noches que no dormí They're so many nights in which i didn't sleep

Cuánto te amaba no sé decir How much i loved you i cannot say
Fuiste mi aire para vivir You were my air to live
Y sin embargo te fuiste tú And yet you went away
Y sin embargo te fuiste tú And yet you went away

Son tantas noches que no dormí They're so many nights in which i didn't sleep
Tantas estrellas que vi morir So many stars i watched dying
Por qué te fuiste lejos de mi son? Why did you go far away from my sound?
Anyone who can help me out here???

Mediterranea è la cute del Male
Tenta l'anima come l'arancia tenta la gola
E conserva in essa tutta la dolcezza e l'asprezza del butterato frutto
Ed io ora, raccolto fra i miei incubi
Ne bevo il succo
E mi piace così... Naturale
Senza falsi sapori
Senza una lieta fine
A divorare tutto
Please anyone - what the hell is a "bell machine"? Its supposed to have something to do with packaging food products. Ive searched everywhere, but didnt find anything. Thanks!

context: "products under flexible films (bell machines, large packagings etc.)"
Ive asked a few people, no one knew, but then again everyone said they werent really experts in the field. I have a professor in exactly that field though, I can ask him on monday eventually, if not for sure on tuesday.
I think I'll ask anyway, I want to know now :D
Bell machines are those 3-reel coin machines in casinos, but what does that have to do with packaging, I dont know. I have to send the translation Monday morning, but thanks for the help anyway! And let me know, what the guy said, I wanna know, too! :)
french, anyone? it's from a mixed english/french lyric, so the phrases are taken out of context and don't have to make that much sense.

Defile de promenade je ne sais plus
de quel droit

J'ai pris mon temps, tabou ta bouche
vers la gauche

Je realise, pluie acide. Encore!

Cafe blanc sur le comptoir zinc noir.

Tango salon, apres minuit,
douce France

Basilic Chimere Republique Mythique

Furieuse, quant tu deviens apolitique.
Defile de promenade je ne sais plus
de quel droit
Strolling people marching past, I dont know anymore
By which right

J'ai pris mon temps, tabou ta bouche
vers la gauche
Ive taken my time, taboo is your mouth
To the left

Je realise, pluie acide. Encore!
I realize, acid rain. Still!

Cafe blanc sur le comptoir zinc noir.
A white café, on the counter, black zinc

Tango salon, apres minuit,
douce France
Tango saloon, after midnight
Gentle France

Basilic Chimere Republique Mythique
Basilic Chimaera, Mythic Republic

Furieuse, quand tu deviens apolitique.
Furious, when you become unpolitic
You were right, not much sense here ;)
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he (buck 65) tends to be whimsical enough from time to time even when i get the actual words, so i sort of saw it coming. :)

@Tali; Delirious: I'd go with "More!" for "Encore!" (to make it clearer), and I'm tempted to assume "Basilic" might be a more or less intentional misspell for a basilisk, the mythic animal, considering the chimaera following in tow. Pretty interesting... is there music with that?
Well, after concerts people shout "Encore!" to say "Play us more!", but here it's meant to say that the rain is still acidic, or that it's still raining.