the "translate please" thread

please... i know there are english versions online, but they are all a bit sucky, babelfish-style...

*loathes not knowing a word of german*

Ein kleiner Mensch stirbt nur zum Schein
wollte ganz alleine sein
das kleine Herz stand still fr Stunden
so hat man es fr tot befunden
es wird verscharrt in nassem Sand
mit einer Spieluhr in der Hand

Der erste Schnee das Grab bedeckt
hat ganz sanft das Kind geweckt
in einer kalten Winternacht
ist das kleine Herz erwacht

Als der Frost ins Kind geflogen
hat es die Spieluhr aufgezogen
eine Melodie im Wind
und aus der Erde singt das Kind

Hoppe hoppe Reiter
und kein Engel steigt herab
mein Herz schlgt nicht mehr weiter
nur der Regen weint am Grab
hoppe hoppe Reiter
eine Melodie im Wind
mein Herz schlgt nicht mehr weiter
und aus der Erde singt das Kind

Der kalte Mond in voller Pracht
hrt die Schreie in der Nacht
und kein Engel steigt herab
nur der Regen weint am Grab

Zwischen harten Eichendielen
wird es mit der Spieluhr spielen
eine Melodie im Wind
und aus der Erde singt das Kind

Hoppe hoppe Reiter
und kein Engel steigt herab
mein Herz schlgt nicht mehr weiter
nur der Regen weint am Grab
hoppe hoppe Reiter
eine Melodie im Wind
mein Herz schlgt nicht mehr weiter
und aus der Erde singt das Kind

Hoppe hoppe Reiter
mein Herz schlgt nicht mehr weiter

Am Totensonntag hrten sie
aus Gottes Acker diese Melodie
da haben sie es ausgebettet
das kleine Herz im Kind gerettet

Hoppe hoppe Reiter
eine Melodie im Wind
mein Herz schlgt nicht mehr weiter
und auf der Erde singt das Kind
hoppe hoppe Reiter
und kein Engel steigt herab
mein Herz schlgt nicht mehr weiter
nur der Regen weint am Grab
i translated it very close to the text, so it will sound a bit clumsy probalby, but hey, it's half past 4.

a little man seems to die
wanted to be all alone
the little heart stood still for hours
and so it was said he was dead
he is buried hastily in wet sand
with a musical clock in his hand

first snow covers the grave
softly awakened the child
in a cold winternight
the small heart awakened

as frost came chilling the child
it turned on the musical clock
a melody in the wind
and from the earth the child sings

(hoppe hoppe reiter is the beginning of a popular child's song)
and no angel descends
my heart ceases to beat
only the rain weeps at the grave
hoppe hoppe reiter
a melody in the wind
my heart ceases to beat
and from the earth the child sings

the cold moon in all its splendour
hears the screams in the night
and no angel descends
only the rain weeps at the grave

between hard oak planks
it will play with the melodic clock
a melody in the wind
and from the earth the child sings

hoppe hoppe reiter
and no angel descends
my heart ceases to beat
only the rain weeps at the grave
hoppe hoppe reiter
a melody in the wind
my heart ceases to beat
and from the earth the child sings

hoppe hoppe reiter
my heart ceases to beat

at totensonntag (last sunday before advent) they heard
this melody from the cemetary
dunno how to translate that
rescued the child's small heart

hoppe hoppe reiter
and no angel descends
my heart ceases to beat
only the rain weeps at the grave
hoppe hoppe reiter
a melody in the wind
my heart ceases to beat
and from the earth the child sings

and why does everyone keep listening to rammstein? you know it's crap :p
Vicious said:
Something I havent find yet is "Eppur Si Muove". Wtf does that means?
"and yet it moves". allegedly, galileo's comment about the revolution of the earth around the sun - indirectly, if i remember correctly - after he was forced to deny it before the church tribunal.
Malaclypse said:
dunno how to translate that

@hyena: it means that they dug out the child :grin: the opposite of embed, if there is a real english word for this (exbed, de-bed, out-bed? :lol: ) - long live german word-creation :grin:
opacity said:
@hyena: it means that they dug out the child :grin: the opposite of embed, if there is a real english word for this (exbed, de-bed, out-bed? :lol: ) - long live german word-creation :grin:
"uploaded"? :p

btw, lynch's lost highways features 2 rammstein songs in its soundtrack.
@mal, opi: MANY THANKS!

you all should learn to appreciate rammstein. they're one of my favorite bands atm so they can't be bad :p
You speak Lithuanian, too? How come? Or how close is it to Russian? I can't think of any Russian lyrics right now. I think Haggard used some on "Awaking The Centuries".

Rammstein lyrics seem pretty hard to translate because of the word plays. But you know which German-speaking metal band is really almost impossible to translate due to the myriads of word creations? Dornenreich.
Somber Soul said:
You speak Lithuanian, too? How come? Or how close is it to Russian? I can't think of any Russian lyrics right now. I think Haggard used some on "Awaking The Centuries".
I lived all my life in Lithuania until I managed to get to Russia to study.
never really thought about what it means, but when it was mentioned in the np thread I kind of started wondering... no idea what language it is, though. spanish or french, maybe?

:wumpscut: - your last salute

ha arribat el moment no desitjat
la tristeza s'ha apoderat del meu cos
i jo no puc fer-hi res
aquest és l'ultim instant
pausa infinita de dolor

una força m'allunya de tu
cada cop estàs més distant
ja no et puc sentir
ja no et puc veure't
ha arribat el final no desitjat

and while I´m at it, here´s another one. in german this time, and I pretty much get most of it, but probably not too accurate...

diary of dreams - traumtänzer

Die Zeit steht still in diesem raum
Doch merken's andere menschen kaum

Es steht die luft hier in der schwebe
Die stille schmerzt in meinen ohren
Ich wunscht ich hatt dich nicht verloren.

Wahrend Traume sich erinnern
an die zeit vor unserer zeit
Vergi?t du alle sorge
Was dir ein wenig kraft verleiht
Du enthalst dich vieler dinge
Erklarst dich klug als philosoph
Du entehrst so viele dinge
Bist dir horig wie ein zof!

Wirst du mich nie verstehen?
Wirst du denn nie verstehen?
Hast du noch nie gesehen...
wie meine augen glitzern?

Keiner mag dir mehr vertrauen
Schenkt kein wort dir edler gunst
Siehst deinen schatten schon verschwinden
Dort am horizont im dunst

...denn es ist zeit, fur eine neue melodie,
fur eine neue phantasie, fur eine neue harmonie

Ich stehe auf und geh nun fort
an einen fremden, fernen ort
gesichter reden auf mich ein
So werd ich nie zu hause sein.

Wirst du mich nie verstehen?
Wirst du denn nie verstehen?
Hast du noch nie gesehen...
wie meine augen glitzern?
I think this is in Portugese, but don't know for sure...

Foi na cruz, foi na cruz
Que um dia
Meus pecados castigados em Jesus
Foi na cruz
Que um dia
Foi na cruz
i've been curious to what Moonsorrow's song and album titles mean. its finnish i even tried looking it up before but no luck so it might be another language but since their from finland....

Kivenkantaja - is the album name
Unohduksen Lapsi
Jumalten Kaupunki incl. Tuhatvuotinen Perintö
Tuulen Tytär incl. Soturin Tie
Matkan Lopussa

diary of dreams – traumtänzer


time stands still in this room
but other people hardly ever notice

the air is in balance here
silence is hurting my ears
I wish i had not lost you

while dreams remember
times before our time
you forget about all concerns
which gives a little strength to you
you refrain from many things
you declare yourself smart as philosopher
you degrade so many things
you're in bondage to yourself like a servant

Won't you ever understand me?
Won't you ever understand?
Have you never seen...
How my eyes are shining

noone wants to trust you anymore
no word shows you noble goodwill
you see your shadow disappear
there at the horizon in the mist

... because it's time for a new melody
for a new fantasy, for a new harmony

I'm standing up and I'm going away
to a strange and far away place
faces keep talking to me
so I won't ever be at home

Won't you ever understand me?
Won't you ever understand?
Have you never seen...
how my eyes are shining?