the "translate please" thread

La Rocque said:
Translate please

Il tempo e il culo delle donne fanno sempre a modo loro

maybe its something like
Time and ............. make woman they way they are

My friends from Italy am I close?

Says, "Time and women's ass always do it their way".
what is my ass supposed to do its way? i didn't know it had independent willpower. :)
Nice thread, could someone please translate this
i think that it's in swedish:

"Maktiga gudar,
i gyllene slaen.
Hjalp mig i striden
mot sondraparna,
Den hoge skall
For huggen hamnas
och blod skall galdas
i blod"

is it something about blood? :)
mighty gods
in golden [i've never heard this word before]
help me in the battle
against the son slayers
the high one shall
take revenge for the stabs
and blood shall be payed for
with blood
Maybe Fredy Brown would be of some help here. :) I just saw that hes from Czech Republic, which used to be a part of our common state - Czechoslovakia - until 1993, so I just said hello to him. Word by word its "Slovakia greets the brothers from Bohemia, it was about time!"
UndoControl said:
How do you say "emotional Suicide" in swedish? Or in russian, for that matter?

i don't speak swedish bit here in russian:

эмоциональное самоубийство

For those that cannot read Cyrillic letteer it should be read as = emozionalnoe samoubiistvo (note - it's not a mistake but a with a long "i" you should pronounce in the second word)
marduk1507 said:
I love Cyrillic as much as Greek alphabet! I am so stupid for having forgotten almost everything I learned from Russian. :erk:

Hey cheer up :) If you would feel better, I just may say that there are alphabets that are much more difficult to learn as the Latin or Cyrillic ...for example the Hebrew one.

And at last but not least - If you have learned a language, you didn't forget it actually even after a long time just think you did - believe me. All you need is to refresh it a little bit and then will everything you've learned come back ;)
Yeah, I didnt say there arent more difficult alphabets, I agree with you on the Hebrew one, also Arabic is insane. And I also hope youre right in the second part of your post! ;)