The Ugly World Tour 2011 headsup for anyone going to the Prague show

Venue change in Prague! 03 Mar 2011
The Prague show on the upcoming European tour, starting in March from Finland and crossing Europe left and right until mid-May, was getting
close to sold out so the venue has now been changed to a bigger one, namely Hall Folimanka.
Mate of mine didn't book tickets when I did so now he's having trouble finding them...

Anyone got a spare ticket (x1) for CHILDREN OF BODOM @ HMV FORUM, LONDON, UK??

If not he'll just have to buy on the day from those hobo blokes outside lol...
Are you fucking kidding me????? Co-headliner with that???

Not even as openers with a 20 min set would I like to see that joke next to COB. Slipknot was enough circus for them, better to tour with real bands like they'r doing this time around.
Grow up. COF is a good band and regardless of if you like them or not, opening or co-headlining with COF would expose Bodom to a big crowd, maybe gain new fans and most important SELL CDs. Slipknot is a good band too. And again, same point as before. Seriously, how old are you... I remember saying shit like that when I was young but honestly, I'm pretty sure you're into your 20s.

And FYI CoB hasn't toured with a REAL band in quite a while (Beneath the Massacre, BTBAM, etc)... regardless of liking them, they are still not that big.
^COF are not a band, like Slipknot, they are a circus. If you want to feel more mature for liking them go ahead (and yes, I am in my 20s, 21 to be precise), but I wouldn't want to have to endure them with Bodom, there's nothing from them that holds my attention, plus I don't like the circus part of all the dressing and that shit. Maybe I'd respect them more if they didn't do that, but since we can't know and their music doesn't appeal to me at I'd rather not see them, let alone for a full gig time. I had enough of that co-headlining with a band I don't like when Vader came with Marduk. Enjoyed Vader a lot and then got utterly bored by Marduk, plus really annoyed by their tones, I can't belive they make the equipment they have onstage sound so crappy on purpose, I guess black metal is not for me.

Also, for real band I don't mean big, I mean that it's not a joke, and they've toured with Slayer, LOG, Cannibal Corpse, Amon Amarth...

E.g. on the crappy supporting bands, on their 2006 European tour they had as opening act One Man Army (decent, entertaining enough for the 30 min show they got and good sound), but then they got fucking Ektomorph, which was like listening to an hour-long Sepultura's Roots Bloody Roots (the song, not the album) rip-off at waaaay to high volumes. Thankfully enough LDB's intro quickly erased that memory. Then on the Blooddrunk tour they got CC (a bit weird to see as COB's opener but still a great band, glad they got them) and Diablo, which has to be one of the most pleasant surprises as opening act to me (great sound, cool songs, knew how to move the public and put up a good performance). Ektomorph is way more known and big than Diablo, but I'd take Diablo over them any day, that's what I mean with touring with real bands.
^ Yeah, but unfortunately for everyone, what constitutes a good band is all a matter of opinion. Sure, people that listen to a lot of metal probably agree on many of the same bands being much better than others, but COB has a fairly diverse fan base. That fan base is made up of people who have probably never ventured to listen to anything heavier than COB, or perhaps who don't really listen to other metal. (At least, I would assume this from some of the fans that come to shows.) Hence why they've toured with bands that wouldn't appeal to some of us.
Like others have already said, it's basically a business move to gain a bigger fan base.
I'm a big fan of Dani's extreme vocals, but they should change their female choir singer to someone skinnier for better appeal.

She left in 2009/2010! lol

Ashley Ellyllon has been there keyboard/backing singer since 2009

As much as i think COB would be agreat way to open the summer, i like the idea of seeing them during their North American tour when they come to Canada around the end of summer :D

i hate how i can't buy tickets yet tho, i gotta stay on top of that for like 4 months straight so i don't miss the day - like i did with queens of the stone age :( if i miss it n' tickets are sold out i swear to god i'm taking a shovel knockout straight to my own face

At last they are coming to TURKEY they have a fucking huge fanbase here! I bought my ticket :flame:

I cant believe this shit i been waiting for so long