The Ugly World Tour 2011

Just 9 days left to the gig that my gods will come to Turkey for the first time.I was never that excited before.Hopefully i'll not have a heart attack when Alexi shows himself up on the stage :D
Can anyone please tell me the schedule/playing time of the bands, when they will start and how long they keep playing?
Going to the gig in oberhausen on monday in 2 days and I am not quite certain wether to take the the train or drive there.
Train would be more convenient/cheaper, but the last on already departs half past 11, so i dont know if I can get hat one.

So about how long is the concert? Can anybody help? :)
In Tilburg Machinae started at around 19:30 and CoB ended at 23:00, but don't know if it'll be the same in Germany.
Basically Machinae has 30 minutes, Ensiferum has 45 minutes and CoB has 80 minutes (officially 90 but they don't use all of that).
Roughly 20 and 30 minutes break and when you know when the show starts, you can calculate it.
I have a question to anyone who has been in a concert that belongs to Ugly Tour. Has Machinae Supremacy played a song called Indiscriminate Murder Is Counter-Productive? I'm just curious.

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Machinae Supremacy setlist:

1.Truth of Tomorrow
2.Force Feedback
3.Rocket Dragon
4.Indiscriminate Murder is Counter-Productive
5.Nova Prospekt
6.Through the Looking Glass

So yes, they did play that song:P
^^Ive been listening that song quite a lot lately. There's just something about it, catchy as hell. And that's pretty much all Im listening from Machinae Supremacy..
^^Ive been listening that song quite a lot lately. There's just something about it, catchy as hell.
Glad to know I'm not the only one :D It got in my top three most played songs on in just a few months.
@cobhcjpf: Sorry, not me!!
But, is anyone here in Pratteln? I'm not interested in hanging around there al alone!
Give me a sign!! *gg*
It's got a 8bit gay melody and a beat that could fit in Russian Polka which makes it sound like an ultimate gay parody. My first thought was I can't believe this shit is real!
It's funny how you can decide that song is über gay only because of the intro :rolleyes: If I would rank songs after listening only the intro, Bed of Razors would be about the worst song ever.
Vocals were good, but the riffs sounded like Green Day :guh: Indeed the song is ghey, but pretty catchy at same time :err: