The Ultimate Poll: Would you do me?

Would you do me?

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Ohh lordddd!


have you tried printing out several dozen flyers advertising/asking this question in your local area and posting them on telephone poles, walls, and windows?
You might be surprised

..of course you wouldn't want your parents or relatives to come across these.
To be honest, nope :p

Maybe if I was 10 years younger and single but I still prefer our lovely finnish guys :grin:

Latin lovers are overrated as far as I know
@rockbodom: =*** :lol:"
@fenrir: okay, i added that to my "what should i do to get chicks besides having a band" notebook :p

@janina: well most of them are seriously overrated indeed.

NOT ME! I'M UNDERRATED!! I SWEAR! :lol: :loco:

@metal_maiden: thank you, we latin lovers need more women like you to spread the word :D

@mag: dude, i'm very sad with you... you still didn't confess you'd do me :p