Active Member
I turn 21 on Saturday...
The difference here is that you can't haz nice thread about it.
I turn 21 on Saturday...
While all of you foreigners are buying booze in between your finger painting classes and play dates, I can go to the local corner grocer and buy a grenade launcher. AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!
90% of these suggestions were terrible.
I would offer my posts in the beer thread about the beers I liked as the proper way to go. Many of them require that you not be ass-broke.
Also, stay the hell away from Lindeman's lambics, unless you're ready to out yourself. As a homosexual.
90% of these suggestions were terrible.
I would offer my posts in the beer thread about the beers I liked as the proper way to go. Many of them require that you not be ass-broke.
Also, stay the hell away from Lindeman's lambics, unless you're ready to out yourself. As a homosexual.
Fuck it, just steal a tank. If some tweaker from California can steal an Abrams and take it for a joyride, then surely some mentally disturbed high schoolers can too.