The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Glad to see a new post on your blog, Zeph. It's good to see your work's progressing.

Man, haven't written anything blog-worthy in almost a year. That translation was completed over a year ago. Depression's hit me hard cognitively, and I've got enough on my plate teaching over the summer and doing another conference paper for September on Julian.

Baby steps...
Sorry about your dog. :( I am legit batshit with mine because he had worms in his heart a few years ago and now every time I check on him I make sure he's breathing properly. Dogs are seriously the best pets.

Hanged out with my old friends (late 20s to early 40s)and am now on my way home. Work tomorrow is going to be super interesting as I am drunk and its almost 430 in the morning...yay!
Just spoke to a phone salesman for some 10 minutes, pretending to sound interested in changing to his electric company. When he thought he could close the deal I told him to send me an e-mail with all the information so I could think it over, and then he just hung up on me. It must suck to have to make a living on commision, as it means that you're not really going to care about the customer or the product you're selling.
Man, haven't written anything blog-worthy in almost a year. That translation was completed over a year ago. Depression's hit me hard cognitively, and I've got enough on my plate teaching over the summer and doing another conference paper for September on Julian.

Baby steps...

You take any anti depressants for that shit? It runs in my family. My mom takes some and and it does a lot to help.
My work keeps me sane. I've gotten a lot of reading and writing done this summer; it's been great. And I'm working on a paper that I hope will get accepted by a literary journal. We'll see...
Went to a male strip club for the first time last night, because a friend of mine dances there. If I wasn't as determined and successful as I am, I would totally have an inferiority complex around that dude. He's got really good moves, only dances part time, and does construction and landscaping. He's also a physics major. We high fived.
I went to a female strip club a few days back. Every time I go I feel so dirty and greasy afterwards. Then I look in my bank account and cry when I see how much money I blew on a couple minutes of tits and cunt in my face. It always seems like a great idea at the moment though.
I went to a female strip club a few days back. Every time I go I feel so dirty and greasy afterwards. Then I look in my bank account and cry when I see how much money I blew on a couple minutes of tits and cunt in my face. It always seems like a great idea at the moment though.

Words to live by. :worship: