The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Went to a male strip club for the first time last night, because a friend of mine dances there. If I wasn't as determined and successful as I am, I would totally have an inferiority complex around that dude. He's got really good moves, only dances part time, and does construction and landscaping. He's also a physics major. We high fived.

Im at a loss for words.

I went to a female strip club a few days back. Every time I go I feel so dirty and greasy afterwards. Then I look in my bank account and cry when I see how much money I blew on a couple minutes of tits and cunt in my face. It always seems like a great idea at the moment though.

I fucking love strip clubs. Especially afterward when you smell like, pussy, beer, and cotton candy perfume. I havnt been to one in years because Ive been too broke, hopefully thatll change soon.
Hoping he fell in love with some retired HIV positive hooker.

Titty bars gross me the fuck out. I do not want to pay some greasy whore to get up in my business but not touch it.
My friend was going to get me a dance at one (in exchange for him getting to not feel awkward about going and getting one) but I decided I didn't want to end up crashing on his sofa that night, which would have ending up happening.
I think I'd struggle to maintain a decent opinion of myself if I did that. Morality really screws you up as a person. The human condition is shit. So woman who's like hmmm, 43 or so, likes me and keeps messaging me, but she lives a long way from me and seems ever so slightly crazy.