The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

My sister's into cosplay but detests Anime with a passion as hot as a thousand burning suns. However, since they dress up as a group on a number of occasions, her friends have made this list of series to watch so she can get into character and whatnot.

Since we're both pretty familiar with the tropes in the medium, she and I developed a drinking game that we play while she's suffering through this stuff. The series that her friends are into are so predictable that we killed a case and a half last night.
Having to watch anime would kill me. I would subconsciously reach for the closest sharp object and stab myself to death. It wouldn't even hurt.
I don't know why but I'd assume you would like it.

No I have to say I don't comprehend this japanophilic "art". Lonely nerdsturbators watch anime and they print pictures like what's in Mort's signature and then masturbate to it and imagine having a drawn life partner. It's a sad story. I don't even know why those things are connected tbh.
Your name now makes me want to play Dark Souls. I bought it a few weeks ago and played it once and I really need to get back into it. But SKYRIM. IS. ADDICTING.
I can't see myself choosing Skyrim over Dark Souls personally, too samey and boring. A disappointment compared to earlier games in the series.
Significantly better than Oblivion, but significantly worse than Morrowind in all areas other than presentation and polish.
I wasn't allowed to watch ANY kind of TV as a child... except whatever my brother snuck on. And it was always anime or some kind of video game (the mot violent/scariest kind too). Naturally at 11, when we got a computer that was all I did watched anime and played video games. :rofl: I don't understand how anyone could really hate anime, there's tons of different kinds.

I only played Skyrim once and played it for 37 hours straight. I can't own video games, will not have a life or get anything productive done.
My parents had a 1 hour per day rule for television and computer games up until 4th grade or so. They began to relax that over the weekends, and that is when I really began to veg like hell on Toonami and stuff. I think they had realized the folly of creating fruit when they gave me free reign of the liquor cabinet when I was 14/15.
^ There was a time when Toonami was sooo good. Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, Ruroni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, Tenchi Muyo, DBZ and I know I'm missing tons of others. Haha yeah, when you get too lax shit gets out of control. Though, I think 14/15 is a good age to ease up on kids, tbh since they are forming their own opinions and stuff around that time.

If you're too strict and offer no leeway it's never good. Since my school was two hours away from my house, and i started traveling by myself at 11, i went to my brother's friends house or a friend's house to watch Toonami/cartoons until their parents kicked me out. Desperate times.