The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Happy Straya day ya poofs. I'm currently sitting at the computer in my undies, about to twist the top off the first stubbie of the day, while it's 29°C and sunny outside. Straya.

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Maybe juggalos are a southern/western thing. I have never seen them here.

I wanted to go see Aevangelist tonight but got roped in to helping out at my old job. I hate being nice.
What is a juggalo? He just don't care, he might try to put a weave in his nut hair, cuz he couldn't give a fuck less what a bitch thinks, he'll tell her that her butt stinks, and all that.
What is a juggalo? Well, fucked if I know, what is a juggalo? I don't know but I'm down with the clown and I'm down for life yo!

Just chilling in bed ATM, sleep seems so far away even though it's 4am here :/ oh well, I won £10 at bingo tonight, know its a tiny amount, but my first ever win, so it's not all bad :)
I have to study for fucking cunt's shitty fuck. A sucking bitchsuck fuckshit.
That helped. Coffee, some music and going through some macroelements for tomorrow.
Juggalos are mostly a northern-mid-west thing I think. Think Ozzland.

There's loads a juggalos in England too, but they're here there and everywhere. Seems the posse's arms stretch very far, very far indeed. Ha!
Thing I'm doing right now, lazy Sunday in my pj's, watching shit old films on TV and drinking loads of cups of tea, got a stack of munching food beside me. What could be better?
There's loads a juggalos in England too, but they're here there and everywhere. Seems the posse's arms stretch very far, very far indeed. Ha!
Thing I'm doing right now, lazy Sunday in my pj's, watching shit old films on TV and drinking loads of cups of tea, got a stack of munching food beside me.What could be better?

Me engraving my name in your inhumanly disposed clitoris.
I just finished shaving for the first time in over three months. That was actually physically exhausting and at times painful. Amazingly, not one drop of blood was shed either. Didn't cut myself at all, not even even once. I'll grow it back bigger and nastier than before.
There's loads a juggalos in England too, but they're here there and everywhere. Seems the posse's arms stretch very far, very far indeed. Ha!
Thing I'm doing right now, lazy Sunday in my pj's, watching shit old films on TV and drinking loads of cups of tea, got a stack of munching food beside me. What could be better?

i haven't noticed any juggalos here. the odd hipster or guardianista queerologist, but that's about it.
i haven't noticed any juggalos here. the odd hipster or guardianista queerologist, but that's about it.

mmm yeah there's quite a few in England, I got a few close friends and know loads of British internet folk that are ICP lovers, but maybe that's coz I'm a bit of a juggalette myself? anywho, they're all crazy buggers that smoke way too much weed lol