The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

What happened? Did it paw all over you?

I was with a friend and we were sitting down on two massage chairs and to the right the jug and his retard girlfriend are using a game machine and my friend is attempting to talk to him and at first he seems pretty chill and talks to him then he looses the game and freaks out like a immature 12 year old. After that he goes again and my friend asks him if he's a juggalo and then he gets pissed as fuck and gets in my friends face and asks him for all of his money, when my friend says no he goes over to his girlfriend who's standing 5ft away gives her all the shit he was holding then gets in my face while I'm still sitting down and tries to steal my phone I was currently using, he was too pussy to actually grab is so then he says "give me the fucking phone or I'm going to smash your guitar" (yeah I was walking around with a guitar) and of course I say no then he goes back to my friend who is standing and takes these really shitty almost plastic looking brass knuckles and punches him (really inaccurately trying to hit his face) then walks away before my friend retaliated.

We then called the cops and instead of the dude getting arrested or anything me and my friend got banned from the mall for 3 months and he got away with everything because he worked there.
What a complete dick! Cant believe he started on you for no reason AND tried to mug you! What the hell was that all about? So not fair u got banned from the mall, u and your friend didnt do anything. To be fair, i have met a few juggalos who are pretty similar, maybe its coz they think theyre the music if u get what i mean? In most of icp's songs, J and Shaggy are goin around, starting shit. Maybe he was tryin to emulate that? Still he didnt have to act like such a pussy cry baby.
Dude, that's BS... How does this guy starting shit lead to YOU being banned from a mall??? I'm not exactly following the math here. :confused:

People are retarded...
Also got a ticket recently at 3am me and the same friend crossed the street when there were no cars in sight and a cop is coming down the road at like 60-80mph he stops us and writes us up some tickets while 4 other police officers come and start fucking with us so we just end up trolling them and saying stupid shit like "I am emo and depressed, we were on our way to buy some meth you dicks". Ended up getting a 167$ ticket.
Oh fuck! Thats well bad! If it makes u feel better the police are arseholes everywhere. A similar thing happened to me and my mate, we were out late like u were there was no one around, no cars we were just walkin home and we went to cross the road when this police car comes hurtlin at like a hundred miles an hour round the corner, no lights or sirens or anything and nearly runs my mate over and he had the cheek to stop and have a go at us for walking in the road and not payin auention to whats around us then just drives off! We just stood there like WTF, but he was shoutin at us really badly, he was red in the face and everything.
Edit: They sound like dicks.started ranting before.

I'm eating and watching anime. And thinking that full metal alchemist changed my life. Though I am not watching that, I am watching Monster.
Juggalos that really get into the whole icp way of life are mostly dicks, but the people that just like the music, like they like other bands are okay. Its the mentally obsessed ones u gota look out for! Lol
just gettin ready to go out to the supermarket in the wind, rain, sleet and snow. Its doin all four at the same time!!
Lox is technically just salmon that has been cold smoked I believe. I eat it plain, not bad with cream cheese though.
And now for the weird weather update of the day. 45 degrees when to went to work this morning. An hour and a half later its snowing and it will be -5 by midnight. 50 degree temperature drop in 18 hours. What the fuck