The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Doing my shitty extreme procrastination. We're not talking "Oh, I'll just do it the night before". We're not even talking "Fuck, if I time everything right I'll just do it before school." We're talking "If I skip my first class, I can get a normal amount of sleep, not do a damn thing tonight, and study for my test in my second class instead of going to my first class." Yeah. I'm a worthwhile human being alright.
I'll raise you a 'I never study'. You seem like a smart enough dude, if you've been doing the homework and attending class studying really isn't necessary most of the time.

Unless you're an ambitious high achiever goin for an A+
I'll raise you a 'I never study'. You seem like a smart enough dude, if you've been doing the homework and attending class studying really isn't necessary most of the time.

Unless you're an ambitious high achiever goin for an A+

I would like an A. I am quite smart (decent aptitudes, IQ, etc I suppose), yes, but I rarely learn anything from teachers (outside of clarifications for ambiguous things in textbooks). I go to class for the attendance credit, but only take notes (or even actively listen) if I'm enthralled by the subject matter. As this class does not fit in that category, I will be going to a coffee shop an hour or two before class and "learning" the last month of material by filling out a review sheet based on the textbook and common sense, and then absorbing that review sheet until the test.

The class before it is a music class, which means yeah, I'd almost be disappointed to miss it...but it also means that an absence here and there is unlikely to keep me from an easy A.

And I could get A's without studying for a long time, as well...but good luck even *passing* without studying when you're in engineering classes at a relatively prestigious university. Granted I'm not in those now, but I was 2-3 years ago and intend to get back to that level soon, as my life is almost back in order. And ofc, by back in order, I mean that I probably won't be planning any suicide attempts or mental hospital vacations in the near future.
Sometimes my otherwise antisocial cat follows me so desperately and acutely, darting into the bathroom as soon as I cross the line, that I become half convinced she's been sent on an important mission to stop my defecation before it sets off a chain of events that could destroy the universe.

I need coffee.
Sometimes my otherwise antisocial cat follows me so desperately and acutely, darting into the bathroom as soon as I cross the line, that I become half convinced she's been sent on an important mission to stop my defecation before it sets off a chain of events that could destroy the universe.

I need coffee.

You won't shit with your cat in the room? That's adorable :3

Back before the cats moved to Milwaukee, I would often intentionally TAKE them to the bathroom with me if I felt a particularly vile strain of diarrhea banging on my anal gates.
right now...
i came downtown and at the moment i'm online at a public internet-access place, because i had to get the hell out of the fucking house because the chick that cooks all of my food just spent all day crying about her jack-ass boyfriend (with him screaming at her)and i didn't want to deal with that shit, so i left, and then my girlfriend decided to go through the effort of calming them down and making sure they "stayed together", i personnally am waiting for them to break up, not because i'm secretely finger-banging my chef, but really just because her boyfriend is a jack-ass (which incedently is the whole fucking reason she's secretly cheating on him)
my chef's boyfriend is my girlfriend's nephew
which makes me feel like i should be on the next episode of Jerry Springer

that's what's going on in my life right now
I deactivated Facebook. I need to apply twelve-step methodology to my crippling Internet addiction.

I'm going to miss your cat pictures and statuses about what you're having for lunch. :( And just overall awesome. Come back, plz.

Eating dinner at 11:30/23:30.

Edit: I want to take African dance classes! What country?
It's N'gri which is from Mali. We also started another one today called Dunnunba, and I don't remember where that's from.

I've been doing more of the movements just now. The 1/10th or so of African in me is awakening. I fucking love just losing myself in the movements and the drums. It feels good to just turn off my fucking brain and stop thinking so many pointless thoughts about things that don't matter.
So I'm working on a painting of a skull-headed snake with insane yellow bloodshot eyes, with its body swept up behind it on the left and coming out on the right side with the tail, which is dangling a severed eyeball. It has two sets of talons projecting from the front of the serpentine body. It's sitting on a grassy field, which is filled with severed eyeballs arranged like flowers on stalks.

Lots of empty space behind it though, I can't think of anything pleasing within my skill level that won't detract from the serpent itself. Any suggestions?
I'm kinda new to painting, I was always more of a drawer. Not sure I could pull off making fog without it being thick and opaque =/