The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I decided, through laziness and to preserve the skull serpent itself as the focus point, to just go with extending the grass line and adding a moon and some stars. Although I do use tessellations a lot as background filler, it's so damn fun to make a series of dimensional gems.
I read up online about that one pastor from the Nat'l Geo show 'Snake Salvation' who died.

Immediately upon watching and reading about it I had the irresistible urge to listen to this
Drinking Coffee, I have Facebook now so am on that sometimes. I txted an older woman I know and like for the first time in awile and she has not txted me back yet :erk:. oh no

I hope she is just busy doing something.
It's N'gri which is from Mali. We also started another one today called Dunnunba, and I don't remember where that's from.

I've been doing more of the movements just now. The 1/10th or so of African in me is awakening. I fucking love just losing myself in the movements and the drums. It feels good to just turn off my fucking brain and stop thinking so many pointless thoughts about things that don't matter.

Oh yeah you're Colombian or something like that right? That's pretty damn cool. It really does look spiritual, fun and extremely high energy. The whole body is going! The ones I've seen looks like a lot of lower back and neck work. I don't really know what country my original ancestors were from. But I'm willing to try a dance that's more personal and think that would be great.

I'm spending my entire day with one of my guys. I had to pick her up at her house, take her to her job orientation wait for that to be done then stay with her for another training. Since I cannot actually sit in on the orientation, I'm out here just doing nothing.
I'm probably not going to be friends with anyone here on Facebook. It's not because I think any of you are shit or anything. It is more for relatives and friends. For me anyways.
I drank so many beers during the last two days that when I jerked off now my semen was foamy and smelled like lager.
So I signed up to this social sex network site. I keept getting messages so I gave in.