The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I liked Man of Steel too. Didn't think the actor who played superman was a good actor but the movie was fun to watch.

No work today because I worked Sunday and was so exhausted because I didn't get any sleep Saturday (my fault went to see anicon and got home really late) and had to be at work at 7 am. By the end of Sunday my eyes were twitching. Think I'll start watching True Detective today and eat a bunch of ice cream.
I woke up at noon and started cooking goulash. Unfortunately I wanted the meat go really tender so I missed today's school. I will go out running if I can fucking convince myself to. My hatred towards the outside world is grand.
Fucking exhausted from the weekend. Had a friend visit from out of State.

The highlight of the weekend was when we went and saw Cubensis, a Grateful Dead cover band. Fucking love Deadheads, and The Dead.
Mathiäs;10804148 said:
How so? I liked it a lot. Thought it was pretty well done with a superb soundtrack as well.
Henry Cavill was the only good thing about that film. I thought he was a fine Superman despite the shit script he was given. He did well with what he was given...
Everything else, though, was done pretty stupidly and badly. Lois Lane could have been much better, especially with the lovely Amy Adams playing her.
But, to each is his/her own
Actually, I think I agree with you on the script being quite lame. He barely had lines! A lot of it were shots of him, and i get it he's attractive but come on. Would have to watch the movie again to verify the script being lame though. I just remember thinking, "man this dude is basically a stand in."

Did my taxes, listened to some new tunes, and watched the first episode of True Detective, which was awesome. About to catch up on some more… a day well done.
Watching snuff films, and loving it.

edit: technically they're documentary snuff, not regular snuff.

If you're in the mood for just bizarre/fucked up vids in general I just came across a new one recently called 'Bad Boy Bubby', crazy Australian flick about a dude who's never left the small dirty house he lives in with his incestuous fat mother and finally sees the world. Whole thing's free on youtube:

If you can deal with the whole movie being REALLY quiet, as in almost no soundtrack, it's a pretty cool watch.
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Had a very rough day. Two of my coworkers quit, and now my supervisor is trying to throw all this extra shit on me. :/ Another coworker is talking about quitting himself and he's been there for 8years. Management is godawful, I really feel terrible for the people we serve. Honestly, sometimes I feel as though I could do more for them outside my company than within..

Also, had a violent cough for the past few weeks. It got to a point where my sides hurt so went to the doctor after much fuss; and it's fucking walking pneumonia. Had a high fever and everything. Got prescribed some antibiotics. Such is life.
Had our Lobby Day yesterday and it went very well. Gonna get fitted for hiking boots and plan the rest of our Utah trip after work tonight