The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just opened a beer after two fucking stupid nightshifts. I still have an exam on tuesday so that sucks.
*sigh* Comcast has been awesome for us. Running the 50mb internet.
Basically just want we want.
Yesterday it started acting up. really being shitty.
So I called them up, and apparently we're getting a really weak signal.
Got a guy coming out tomorrow night. Hopefully they get this shit back up to speed.
I got drunk and stoned yesterday and I needed just that. Then I went to my girl's place and slept there because she insisted. I liked it in the end. Had sex in the morning and then went home. Now I'm studying for tomorrow's exam and there's quite a lot of shit to learn which is kinda surprising.
I'm celebrating my life with a bottle of wine, some snack, and Beethoven. Because fuuuuuck you.
Watched the Lego Movie last night, pretty fuckin funny. It also got me thinking about how children are often taught the importance of sharing, and I gotta say, I disagree with that concept. If I give a kid a toy, that is their toy. They shouldn't be forced to share it with others. Adults don't have to share their personal possessions, why would the minis have to? If its a matter of communal items, like a kindergarten toy bin, yeah, learn to share so everyone gets a turn with the coolest one. But I'll be damned, if I ever decide to procreate, if I get my kid something awesome and their communist teacher passes it around the whole damn classroom.
I'm going to get a sandpit to roll my kid in because showers are for homos, but I'll fill the sandpit with gravel.

And it'll listen to Wu Tang 24/7.
A lot of people now say that you shouldn't give kids tablets or smartphones because then they don't go out and play like we used to. Also that the 90's generation was the last one with normal childhood. Opinions?
I've got cousins ranging from age 4 to 14 and although they're definitely glued to their games and texts and stuff when its crappy out, they play sports and like being outside. I don't think its as big a deal as people make it out to be.

But they sure do have a serious lack of appreciation for board games. I almost got the 14 year old into Warhammer 40k but that's as far as they go.
A lot of people now say that you shouldn't give kids tablets or smartphones because then they don't go out and play like we used to. Also that the 90's generation was the last one with normal childhood. Opinions?

A "normal childhood" is completely relative to the historical period. I think it says something that we consciously observe childhood now as abnormal.