The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just picked 50 or so fleas off our new kitten
Gave him baths and we just picked and picked and picked.
Feel bad for the little guy. Hopefully he is good to go for the long haul.
Got some Frontline and gave it to all 3 cats.
that's always rough. My cat got fleas real bad one summer, and she was an indoor cat! Fuckers were everywhere. We would give her a bath, and the water would turn red from all the bleeding bite marks :( Took a while to get rid of them, but we eventually did
I'm at home. Two boring nightshifts behind me. But I'm not going to celebrate.
Managed to wake up for school, at 7:00AM. I'll get there and have a coffee and a cig. And something small to eat.
One of the worst weekends, ever!
Fleas, fleas, and more fleas.
bleached the entire unfinished room. the drain had flea larva in it, no more!
Put a flea collar on the little guy
washed everything in the house
vacuumed the basement multiple times

Fuck this shit!
One of the worst weekends, ever!
Fleas, fleas, and more fleas.
bleached the entire unfinished room. the drain had flea larva in it, no more!
Put a flea collar on the little guy
washed everything in the house
vacuumed the basement multiple times

Fuck this shit!

So if you weren't aware that there's a show where Mike Tyson solves mysteries with an alcoholic pigeon, check out Mike Tyson Mysteries.
So if you weren't aware that there's a show where Mike Tyson solves mysteries with an alcoholic pigeon, check out Mike Tyson Mysteries.

Yeah, and that pigeon is none other than fucking Norm Macdonald.
Ordered my new fucking Etymotic in-ear monitors for my tedious travels to school and other places.

I have to get more effective in my listening. I spend >2 hours of time in public transport every fucking day so I will have use for them. I also have to borrow my mother's iPod for this.
cut home grown chillies washed hands went for piss

30 minutes of flaming hot genitalia later and no end in site

done this before with shop ones before and never really minded, normally feels kinda good after a few minutes, this is the worst pain since i tore a muscle in my back

balls in milk isn't working

send help

Best thing I've read all day. Would read again, 10/10.
Currently laughing my ass off, reading an article on metal injection that Wino tried getting passed airport security with 11 grams of meth.

What a fucking idiot.

Of course they didn't have the Laker game on, they suck total ass.

They definitely suck, but Im a Laker fan. Ill stick by em even when they suck.