The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I hesitate to ask why that's difficult to believe. It's an excuse to make a bunch of food, drink a few bourbons and beers, and have friends over. In grad school, excuses for these sorts of outings become necessary.
get a text from a dude that saw my craigslist ad.
Says he wants to play metal. I tell him I'll do heavy, power, thrash, death...
Says he loves metalcore, deathcore, and djent.
He tells me that those styles arent easy to play. *sigh*
fucking dumbass kids these days.
No one likes fucking metal around here!
I invited a few girlfriends over for thanksgiving. I really wanna have a leftover friends giving on Friday though since everyone seems to be off the Friday after and it's just an excuse to keep eating.

Also I overdid it yesterday. I did some bikram yoga then practiced a bunch of footwork shit for a few hours. it feels good to be sore.
I invited a few girlfriends over for thanksgiving. I really wanna have a leftover friends giving on Friday though since everyone seems to be off the Friday after and it's just an excuse to keep eating.

Also I overdid it yesterday. I did some bikram yoga then practiced a bunch of footwork shit for a few hours. it feels good to be sore.

Bikram's the one where you're in a 100F degree room, right? That just seems way too intense imo.
^As a choice or as an unfortunate result of eremeticism and general preoccupation with grad school stuff?
I enjoy such discussions when there isn't a debate involved. Not a big fan of intellectual cock comparison, especially when so many people who are tend to completely avoid putting things into layman's terms. It makes those around us who might not have as wide a vocabulary feel excluded, and if the point is to share ideas, that seems counterproductive.
Not all debates involve intellectual cock comparison via large syllabic words, that the common Joe doesnt understand. But I hear ya.

I fucking love debates. I feel very strongly about a lot of things and love for people to challenge my thoughts and beliefs, cause I do the same. Not just to try and change them, but to hear their side and then challenge it.

One of the biggest turn offs to me in a woman, or a person in general really, is the inability to have their own opinion on something. They like shit cause so and so likes it, but never really formed their own opinion on the matter. I have a friend who likes something just cause I like it, and they want to have something in common with me. Cool...But not really. I wont think any less of that person for having a differing opinion, but I will for not having their own. I like differing opinions, hearing other sides to things, and talking about it.
Well I think your perspective is shit and your opinion sucks and fuck you and stuff

That's funny one of the biggest turn offs to me in a woman is the ability to have their own opinion on something. Just be an object of desire and don't ignore the kitchen
That's funny one of the biggest turn offs to me in a woman is the ability to have their own opinion on something. Just be an object of desire and don't ignore the kitchen


I'm chilling, watching the news, waiting for everyone to lose their minds about the Mike Brown thing.
Debates are cool if both people are debating in the same style, if that makes sense, and the same level of emotion. If one person's saying a paragraph's worth of succinct and direct opinion and the other person is spewing a novel, or one is chilled and robotic while the other is getting heated, its cringe worthy to watch.. Or be a part of from either side. I can appreciate flowery language as an art form, but if I'm really aiming for my words to be a vehicle of expression, not so much. I also don't like getting emotional. This tends to make most debates pretty cringe worthy for me.
Did my presentation for tomorrow. Today I went on an excursion to a plant breeding centre with the class and then I went to a shopping centre with my Nicaraguan friend. We looked into some clothes stores because I want to buy something for my girlfriend but the shit I liked on the internet disappointed me irl so I just bought me a black tie and a tea in Marx and Spencer. I had a schnitzel in some fast food joint, it was adventurous.

I don't know what to buy my girl. It's gonnu be a struggle I'm afraid. I even have a solid budget, I just have no fucking ideas.