The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I agree emotions are gay

If it involves a system restore back to 2009 where Cythraul and others started posted daily again I can support that. Or, just a day when UltimateApathy ceased to exist. Let's keep IndividualThoughtPatterns, as I feel that he's going to grow into a good poster eventually actually.

<3 you IndividualThoughtPatterns or whatver you are called.
Sitting in the agronomical faculty building, listening to Martin&#367; in my new headphones, waiting for class where I have a presentation on some bullshit. I need to see my girlfriend afterwards because she's all mad at me because we haven't seen each other in like 4 days. Boohoo.

EDIT: With this amount of work she will have to get used to not seeing me every day.
Feeling boss as hell for landing a sweet job at a financial firm, and leaving my current job as a claims adjustor amicably enough that they begged me to stay and said the door is always open. Cool place, like the people, but I've been wanting to get into the money business for some time now. Better hours too.

Chain smoking, slamming cans of ravioli, Dragon Age. Happy early Thanksgiving assholes.
Waiting for my band mates to show up and help load gear for the show tonight. The jam band I'm in is playing with some other locals at our home town dive bar.
It's always weird playing at the local bar before thanksgiving because it's essentially just a big high school reunion with alcohol. It will also be interesting because my drummer didn't go to the same school and is socially awkward as fuck so there's a good chance he'll creep some people out that don't know what to expect from him.
Just got in. Had a couple of drinks with the bro. About to vape it up and put on a movie. I think The Birds should be a Thanksgiving tradition. Reading from Half Dollar Rebel's blog ...

The Birds is one of my all-time favorites. The basic plot:

Pretty face meets handsome fella in San Francisco
Love story spills over into quaint sea town
Millions of birds form psychic alliance, viciously attack mankind

We deserve it, too. Birds have a robust list of grievances and a comprehensive blueprint for a bloody revolution. We took the dodo first, a completely defenseless creature neither swift nor clever. We whacked them off of the planet like so many golf balls into the sea. And didn&#8217;t stop there; a different avian species of sputters out of existence every day. Bald eagles are in trouble, condors are almost gone, and the Passenger Pigeon KIA. There are plenty of chickens around but they exist as tortured slaves, mutated by hormones to grow at alarming rates. Their breasts and legs swell with meat so efficiently that they lose the ability to walk, and their organs begin to fail. Antibiotics keep them healthy enough to remain edible, sustaining them as they bloat into caricatures of their true species, and then it&#8217;s off to the killing cones. Good night, sweet chicklings; soon we&#8217;ll liquify you into delicious Clown Food McNuggets. With the exception of a few free-range cousins, a chicken sold in America never tastes free air, never feels sunshine on her wings, never learns the loving embrace of a devoted rooster. Life for her is permanent midnight, illuminated only by the screams of her sisters. We, Man, deserve to be flayed alive by suddenly prescient, vengeful sparrows.
Passenger pigeons typically migrated in one massive flock, with some estimations ranging upwards of billions of pigeons in a single flock. There's a scene in James Fenimore Cooper's The Pioneers (1823) that depicts the interaction of townspeople of an early 19th century New York village and what I presume was a passenger pigeon flock. The townspeople gleefully ran outdoors with guns in hand and randomly fired towards the sky with laughing faces until the ground was littered with hundreds of pigeons. Passenger pigeons went extinct for the lulz. That and the cheap meat was used as slave food.
I think i require too much sleep. A few days of not sleeping, and BAM i'm sneezing everywhere and my nose and eyes keep running. I just really hope its not the flu, because i've never gotten a flu shot and now i'm thinking damn maybe i should've.

Still going to eat like a pig tomorrow because Amurka and shit.
I'm the same way. If I fuck up my sleep schedule I get sick, starting with a sore throat, then cough, then a full blown cold. Everytime.

Part of the reason why I am such a stickler about my bed time (unless I can sleep all day the day after). Think I'm also starting to become an old grumpy man.
I'm the same way. If I fuck up my sleep schedule I get sick, starting with a sore throat, then cough, then a full blown cold. Everytime.

Part of the reason why I am such a stickler about my bed time (unless I can sleep all day the day after). Think I'm also starting to become an old grumpy man.

Actually I'm starting to think that a bad sleep schedule fucks up my anus. It hurts after two nightshifts. (And I'm not a manwhore, I don't use it at work). Maybe it's alcohol too, I don't know. Now I'm trying to not drink this week and it feels quite fine and we'll see how it is after the weekend shifts. Last sunday it was pretty bad.
I will have another fucking presentation in like an hour. I could be a fucking teacher.
Just got in. Had a couple of drinks with the bro. About to vape it up and put on a movie. I think The Birds should be a Thanksgiving tradition. Reading from Half Dollar Rebel's blog ...

The Birds is one of my all-time favorites. The basic plot:

Pretty face meets handsome fella in San Francisco
Love story spills over into quaint sea town
Millions of birds form psychic alliance, viciously attack mankind

We deserve it, too. Birds have a robust list of grievances and a comprehensive blueprint for a bloody revolution. We took the dodo first, a completely defenseless creature neither swift nor clever. We whacked them off of the planet like so many golf balls into the sea. And didn’t stop there; a different avian species of sputters out of existence every day. Bald eagles are in trouble, condors are almost gone, and the Passenger Pigeon KIA. There are plenty of chickens around but they exist as tortured slaves, mutated by hormones to grow at alarming rates. Their breasts and legs swell with meat so efficiently that they lose the ability to walk, and their organs begin to fail. Antibiotics keep them healthy enough to remain edible, sustaining them as they bloat into caricatures of their true species, and then it’s off to the killing cones. Good night, sweet chicklings; soon we’ll liquify you into delicious Clown Food McNuggets. With the exception of a few free-range cousins, a chicken sold in America never tastes free air, never feels sunshine on her wings, never learns the loving embrace of a devoted rooster. Life for her is permanent midnight, illuminated only by the screams of her sisters. We, Man, deserve to be flayed alive by suddenly prescient, vengeful sparrows.

That was beautiful. I cried.

God bless these brave avian brothers, these peaceful pheasants and quite thoroughly fucked fowl. God bless them and their families on this day.
No thanksgiving here, but Christmas is coming. Will be spending time with my family and shit.
We've got the joyous, fun filled event known as the State Elections here this weekend. With live broadcast on nearly every channel as well. Not much to give thanks about. We'll most likely end up with the conservative cunts getting in for another term.