The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

We were all coming back from Ale Mary's around 2 or so in the morning, and Bleull was beyond blasted. Cart wheels in the street, running up to random people and talking to them, limboing under parked semi-trucks, etc. so it took us way longer to get back then it would have otherwise.

Don't remember why we stopped in 7-11, but we get there and this dude is harassing the clerk because he didn't have enough money for whatever he was buying. I walk out and remember him coming up to Bleull and I asking if we could give him some money. I spent all my cash at the merch stands the day prior so I had none to give, and after telling him that we had none he goes, "Well if you're not going to give me it, then I'll take it from you."

I reach in my pockets to give him my shit and he grabs my wrist, saying, "Don't you dare, I'll grab it." I remember him saying something about how no one is going to help you so don't you dare call for help. He grabs my phone and wallet after having obtained the only thing Bleull had on his person - a fucken bottle cap haha.

All I could see that he had was a thing of presumably pepper spray or something of that nature, but there was another guy with him who stood there silently while the entire situation was taking place. I wasn't really scared of the man doing the mugging so much (the entire experience was pretty frightening though) as I was the silent man. He just watched and I wasn't sure if he had any kind of weapon so I didn't bother trying to act out in my defense.

Cops were called, arrived faster than expected, drove around in the cop car, found the guys, got my phone back with no sim card, couldn't find my wallet, guys were taken in to the station...we went down to get my phone back since it had to be treated as a stolen item, police report filed, and I was back in the hotel within about 2 hours after the event took place.

Flying back home without any shred of identification was pretty fucking easy surprisingly. TSA called some government agency asking questions about how long I've had my car, how long I've lived where I did, my mothers maiden name, etc.
Jeez, that really blows, and not even having like a $1 to give to get him off your back… the silent guy standing would've freaked me out too. I honestly just usually give the homeless people money (or when someone asks) if i can to avoid shit like that even though they probably wouldn't act in the same way but still. Glad you got your phone back, though.
Yeah unless you've got a gun and I can see it, I'm not handing you shit.

If I get stabbed, well I suppose I get stabbed.
I'd hand over my shit if there was two of them that definitely had knives or other weapons and I was cornered but that's about it.

I don't have a death wish or any desire to be seriously hurt but having been hospitalized by a large group of guys for stepping in to help a solo stranger (dirty foreigner, too) I can't imagine reacting to something like this with anything less than 'fuck off, you cunt'.
Everyone should always have something to threaten the bad guy with. Protect yourself, always carry a weapon.

Anyways I was all good with just blazing and playing dragon age when I get off work until my dumb friend hit me up and wanted to hang. He has no wheels, theres nowhere to hang worth driving to because the people will be ready for bed by the time we get there, and can't hang at his place.

An awesome solitary night ruined by the hope of social inebriation. Now I'm gonna feel lonely and unfulfilled when I get home.
Yeah unless you've got a gun and I can see it, I'm not handing you shit.

If I get stabbed, well I suppose I get stabbed.

MDF the year prior, I encountered a similar situation and had the attitude you're mentioning. There was only one guy involved though. The guy grabbed my friend's wallet. I jumped on the guy and started hitting him. He slipped away and started running. I chased the guy for a quarter mile or so before he gave up. I patted the guy down and got the money back after he stopped. I was lucky that the guy didn't actually have a weapon, so I'm doubt I would make the same decision again. Unless, of course, I was zonked on whiskey in the same manner I was that night.
I'd hand over my shit if there was two of them that definitely had knives or other weapons and I was cornered but that's about it.

I don't have a death wish or any desire to be seriously hurt but having been hospitalized by a large group of guys for stepping in to help a solo stranger (dirty foreigner, too) I can't imagine reacting to something like this with anything less than 'fuck off, you cunt'.

yeah, because responding to a situation like that where there is a total unknown involved with some masculinity proving display makes so much sense
oh no, i had a phone and wallet stolen

phone is easily replaceable, debit card easily canceled, and license easily replaced

only thing i cared about was ensuring my own safety

hope you get your ass handed to you protecting your pride one day
Mort logic: if you're not a bitch, you're an alpha primate and hopes you get your ass kicked for resisting a robbery.
i've already explained about the unknown - you don't act when there is an unknown element that can potentially raise the danger level of the situation

were it the one guy? well he was trying to rob two people at once so maybe it'd have been a different situation

but i'm not needlessly risking my life over easily replaceable shit and anyone who questions my 'manhood' or pulls off some lazy attempt to emasculate me fuck right off into the sun

i get it, i'm not a 'man' in your lots eyes

the well on that joke ran dry long ago