The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Excuse me do you have some of that feta cheese with sore vagina cream? Yes sir would you like some of your mom's hair in that? Yes please.
Got drunk yesterday and went home at like 6PM because I was too drunk. Missed my girlfriend's birthday party but I will see her during the holidays so that should be fine. I'm still kinda drunk. Sitting in my room listening to Dark Millennium.
My fucking aunt (LOL) gave me an eighth of some pretty dank weed, so I'm smoking on that tonight. Two really big nugs with shit tons of orange hairs. Took a couple Vicodin too, which I like to do every couple months or so (no, I don't have a problem).

That was the lead singer of The Clash, right?

No, that's Joe Strummer.
Alright, it's not THAT hairy... and it smokes real nice. It's some purple monkey/funky monkey (one of the two). Looks almost identical to this picture:

Enjoy your chosen holidays, GMD! Hope your lives and the people in them are good to ya like the ones in mine lately. Open wide, 2015.
So are you guys familiar with MassDrop? Interesting site where you pledge to buy and item and other people do as well and if enough are sold it costs less money since the site works directly with manufacturers.

Seems neat but don't know anyone who bought stuff from there