The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Putting off revising my fucking English paper. I need to have the next draft e-mailed in by 11 tonight, so I guess I've still got some time left to dick around.

I will be so fucking happy when this class is finally over on Thursday. This whole month has sucked because of it (and full-time work).
I will be so fucking happy when this class is finally over on Thursday. This whole month has sucked because of it (and full-time work).

Same day my Chinese class is over. Except on that day there is a trip to China town which I'm not going on since I didn't pay. But I don't really wanna leave at 7 AM and get back at 10 PM.

Currently dealing with a headache and about to play some WoW.
Same day my Chinese class is over. Except on that day there is a trip to China town which I'm not going on since I didn't pay. But I don't really wanna leave at 7 AM and get back at 10 PM.

Currently dealing with a headache and about to play some WoW.

What level is your cute little undead warlock now?
I think its level 14. It keeps dying because my summons always wander off and pick fights with a bunch of enemies and bring them on to me so that I die. I put them on follow yet they still wander off. Fucking cunts.