The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

lucky bastard. I've been up since 5:30 and I won't be leaving work till 5:15 at the earliest (and so far this week I haven't once gotten out before 8).
Avoiding phone calls. Why you may ask? There is this kid that keeps trying to hang out with me, but I don't want to. First of all, he is annoying. Second of all everytime I go over to his house all I do is sit there while he either goes on aim, or jerks off to porn. Oh, did I mention how he's a whiny bitch, and all he gets pissed off over the stupidest shit. It's almost funny.
Listening to Devourment (surprise) on my portable CD player(yeah, they still exist... and I'm probably the only one in the free world who still uses one.) while wasting time in the computer lab before work.
I use one too.

I tell him that he's a faggot and he needs to do it in his own time.
any man who removes his penis from his pants in the presence of other men for purposes other than urination is a faggot.
Unless it's an orgy.

I'm too much of a nice guy to do that.
Start being a dick. Or you could record a message of me saying "fuck off, you worthless asshole faggot" and play it for him.