The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

my arms are dead as foooook right now. went into the free weights room for first time, benching, incline benching etc etc. And listening to my SKR Haul :kickass:
wishing i had hair to pull out of my head.

seriosuly, military personnel guys are fucking RETARDS! i have a return from overseas of november of next year. i havnt been stationed overseas since 06! but they say i got there in november 07 (the day i RETURNED from deployment)

fucking IDIOTS. and this is causing me all sorts of problems here...
not if its already short enough. but your first hair cut at basic will be a ridiculous high and tight. unless you have a shaved head when you get there.
incline benching is weird - the first time I did it it was really hard and hurt, but after that it was fine...

I hate incline benching, but what one hates the most is what generally works the muscles the most. It's such a burn. Declines are so easy to me for some reason, i struggle with the incline then goto decline and it's nearly weightless.
taking a break from housework to watch the new gorgoroth DVD (the one that caused all the ruckus in poland)

I hate housework! I spent a lot of time helping mum out last night and I had just washed the floor in the kitchen when my boyfriend comes in, with his filthy work boots and makes footprints all the way to the hall. I was very pissed off.
So, what's new in this one?

If you block too much you can get owned, you can smash opponents' armor off by hitting a particular spot repeatedly, more in depth character customization, online play, new characters, and some other stuff.
If you block too much you can get owned, you can smash opponents' armor off by hitting a particular spot repeatedly, more in depth character customization, online play, new characters, and some other stuff.
I'm not huge on fighters, but I'm just wondering if there are games where the matches last longer than 30-45 seconds. I don't mean something where you can double the life bars through the options, but something where you might have a 3 or 4 minute match that would be really intense. That way you could employ strategies like taking out a weak point, if that's what the game allowed for.