The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just finished watching Animal Planet's The Most Extreme. Yes, I know, daytime tv. It learned some stuff. Apparently the European Dragon comes from the alligator. And also that werewolves in Europe were just people with rabies or under toxins that made them think they were wolves.

Avoiding phone calls. Why you may ask? There is this kid that keeps trying to hang out with me, but I don't want to. First of all, he is annoying. Second of all everytime I go over to his house all I do is sit there while he either goes on aim, or jerks off to porn. Oh, did I mention how he's a whiny bitch, and all he gets pissed off over the stupidest shit. It's almost funny.

Do what I did with this annoying guy who tried to hang out with me. Get your Mom to answer the phone and tell him that you went somewhere.
I agree with WAIF. He obviously doesn't get how much you do not like hanging out with him. Although there is a nicer way of getting rid of him. But my favorite method is to avoid them.
Sucks to be you then. Sometimes at work I do nothing but look around for my boss, who never carries a cell phone and never tells me what to do after I'm done with one task.