The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Finished doing homework. Second day of school and i am drowning in huge amount of homework. Anyway, gonna take a shower, then maybe go to sleep.
Had my history test today, didn't fail. Got an A on my first essay for English. School is going okay. Trying to decide between doing hw (what I should do) and planning my group's DnD campaign (utter waste of time).
I have to do a bunch of math later, I'll prolly play some WoW first though, and I have to read the book Man of the People for next week. And I have to find unregistered voters and register them, gay ass assignment for my Gov class. Fuck homework.
making plans to go with a friend to a glamour modeling shoot and take pictures of topless women. We have to pay about £40 though...

If I don't get kicked out it will be a miracle. Now I just need to magic myself more pro looking gear lol.

'Bring fake tan and say there's a patch on their boob that looks a bit pale (that somehow only you can see).'

Wikihowing how to cook bacon properly.

Our bulgarian flat mate turned out to be pretty cool, and luckily wasn't too weirded out by the wall. Which now features pimp dolls, cock socks, mocking of gays and people in wheelchairs, too many innuendos to list, and a woman with "Smells like fish, looks like chicken" around her vag.
And trying to irish up tea using jager isn't a good idea. It tasted like hot chocolate, but there was just something substationally wrong with it's existance.