The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Drinking coffee.

Waking up does suck and so does working and all my jobs have been pysically exhausting. I'm suppose to get a job and dread it. fuck life
I thought everyone have masturbated in class.
But then again i'm from a country where everyone shower together in big Auschwitz showers without booths after gym class.
I've actually written a poem called "Sex in the Chapel" but it's in Czech. The translation is propably shit.

Sex in the Chapel
without quilt, without pillow
terrified looks of the holy ones
cracking gloryoles

This little room
without people
because where people don't see
even god doesn't

I am currently about to eat a mac and cheese rotini bowl thing for lunch with some chips and water. At school also, waiting for my friend to get here (he was sick so didn't come in and is heading in now I think?) and going to class in an hour, then work. Busy day kinda.
Yeah, you're right. Well we're in a long distance relationship and I'm pretty sure he's just trying to make up for the distance by talking to me as much as possible, but he is calling me all the time and interrupting whatever I'm doing and sometimes I would like to be able to read a book or spend some time with my friends without having to take a break to talk to my boyfriend. I probably will have to say something to him about it because I don't like resenting him.