The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah, you're right. Well we're in a long distance relationship and I'm pretty sure he's just trying to make up for the distance by talking to me as much as possible, but he is calling me all the time and interrupting whatever I'm doing and sometimes I would like to be able to read a book or spend some time with my friends without having to take a break to talk to my boyfriend. I probably will have to say something to him about it because I don't like resenting him.
:OMG: So I'm not the only one in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend calling me 24/7 and it irritates the living S!-!!+ out of me :mad:
The women on here do seem to produce a lot of mind numbing drivel. This needed to be said. It's not myfuckingspace.
hey that was a good read.

If all goes well with my MEPS physical tomorrow, you poor saps won't have to put up with me after 10/07 :kickass: and I say hello to my 40k bonus :loco:
@nec: why bother? Social is for random crap (I don't see why you bother, given as you claim to be here for the metal), and as she says she only lurks in GMD rather than posting (and I trust that if/when she posts in GMD the posts would not be pointless flirting but rather on topic discussion), so I don't really see your problem, unless it's a general "INTERNETZ IS SERIOUS BUSINESS" thing where you won't allow pointless drivel to fill up your precious social forum. I agree that there's a general lack of really substantive posts from Nuncheon and Winter (the same can be said of most of the forum though), but they limit their posting primarily to social, get along with everyone but you and the greys, and generally aren't a problem.

First of all, anything I say on this site of a sexual/flirtatious nature is a JOKE. What I posted earlier was in no way an invitation for you to go ahead and tell everyone what you think of me, and if you have a problem with me then you can send me a PM instead of being an asshole. You don't know a goddamned thing about me so maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself on this one.

Also, suicide is not a joke, it isn't funny, and I don't know why you seem to think that my boyfriend killing himself is something I would find amusing. Grow up and fuck off.
For the first part, sexual advances on the internet can only be made between men. I thought you knew that.
For the second, yes, but lighten up a bit unless you plan on taking offense at pretty much everything said on this board.


Stop your bitching.
I did create a thread for that, after all.
@nec: why bother? Social is for random crap (I don't see why you bother, given as you claim to be here for the metal), and as she says she only lurks in GMD rather than posting (and I trust that if/when she posts in GMD the posts would not be pointless flirting but rather on topic discussion), so I don't really see your problem, unless it's a general "INTERNETZ IS SERIOUS BUSINESS" thing where you won't allow pointless drivel to fill up your precious social forum. I agree that there's a general lack of really substantive posts from Nuncheon and Winter (the same can be said of most of the forum though), but they limit their posting primarily to social, get along with everyone but you and the greys, and generally aren't a problem.

I only really post on GMD about music when I have a difference of opinion. If someone is of the same mind frame as myself, then why bother repeating it? Also because a lot of bands that crop up from time to time I am new to or haven't heard before, therefore my input would be pointless.
99.9% of the most important things ever said were never written down.
Remember that next time you think every random thing you post on a message board will actually count for something.

Likewise, anything you read on a message board is equally inconsequential, especially when you and the offending party are thousands of miles apart.

When a forum has a purpose, such as discussing and exploring a genre of music, then what is posted can carry weight. But in a forum like this one, which has no purpose, whatever words show up on the screen are words and nothing more.
@nec: why bother? Social is for random crap (I don't see why you bother, given as you claim to be here for the metal), and as she says she only lurks in GMD rather than posting (and I trust that if/when she posts in GMD the posts would not be pointless flirting but rather on topic discussion), so I don't really see your problem, unless it's a general "INTERNETZ IS SERIOUS BUSINESS" thing where you won't allow pointless drivel to fill up your precious social forum. I agree that there's a general lack of really substantive posts from Nuncheon and Winter (the same can be said of most of the forum though), but they limit their posting primarily to social, get along with everyone but you and the greys, and generally aren't a problem.
I think the problem is Nuncheon and to a lesser extent Winter come off as needy and attention seeking. Nuncheon has brushed it off as a joke, but all the off hand comments about problems with her boyfriend, flirting with a bunch of different people, and posting of myspace angle photos really points to someone who desires WAIF and co. to say "omg marry me". Nuncheon if you don't want people to view you this way, maybe you should evaluate your own behavior. It's beyond typical messageboard socializing.

And this has nothing to do with "internet is serious business" or the inanity of the posting. We experienced that with mutantlama. It's more to do with a person acting in a certain unpleasant way and then getting defensive when someone else pointed it out.

One reason I like Dodens so much is he tells people about their behavior and why it is bothersome. I tend to just ignore it in order to avoid arguments, but now that we're already talking about it, I'd just like to add my thoughts.