The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

And I intentionally used all the "he's or she's" to make the point that men and women should be treated equally here, rather than giving the minority sex leeway because we like to see them post.

That whole "OMG A GURL!!!111" thing happens on just about every message board, especially on metal related internet communities. But then again, the women are sometimes the ones to blame for this because they are fully aware of this mentality and tend to run with it. It's not true in all cases but I've been posting on boards long enough to see these things happen.
Drinking coffee. I just noticed my cellphone does not work at all and am glad.
That whole "OMG A GURL!!!111" thing happens on just about every message board, especially on metal related internet communities. But then again, the women are sometimes the ones to blame for this because they are fully aware of this mentality and tend to run with it. It's not true in all cases but I've been posting on boards long enough to see these things happen.

Yeah, you're the complete opposite of that. It's why I thought you were a guy until I saw proof that you, indeed, have a vagina (at least I think you do..?)
I'm chatting with an ex on msn.... it's inevitably turned into me trying to get across why it's fine for her to be pissed at me but not for her to call me a c*nt :err:
I just watched the news and erm wtf is up with people?

some swedish Twin sisters were walking down the middle of a motorway here and when the police stopped them, they ran away, both getting hit by trucks, amazingly they weren't seriously hurt, they tried to run away again, and one was hit again. In the end I think one of them was hit 3 times by cars, in the end she couldn't get up. The other one had to be overpowered by 6 people and dragged into the police car.

Fucking retards
I think the problem is Nuncheon and to a lesser extent Winter come off as needy and attention seeking. Nuncheon has brushed it off as a joke, but all the off hand comments about problems with her boyfriend, flirting with a bunch of different people, and posting of myspace angle photos really points to someone who desires WAIF and co. to say "omg marry me". Nuncheon if you don't want people to view you this way, maybe you should evaluate your own behavior. It's beyond typical messageboard socializing.

And this has nothing to do with "internet is serious business" or the inanity of the posting. We experienced that with mutantlama. It's more to do with a person acting in a certain unpleasant way and then getting defensive when someone else pointed it out.

One reason I like Dodens so much is he tells people about their behavior and why it is bothersome. I tend to just ignore it in order to avoid arguments, but now that we're already talking about it, I'd just like to add my thoughts.
Okay, yeah, I'd agree with this about Nuncheon (Winter a bit but not as much) but I felt that Dodens was excessively hostile, but then that's sorta his thing.

^ I come off as needy and attention seeking? Jesus.
Not you. Although you're guilty of the myspace angle shit. But so is vossyrus.

There are a few girls here who don't act needy - LadyValerie and Blackmail for example.
And Whiskey Funeral

Call her a cunt back. Works every time.
Works on mothers as well.