The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just watched Zeitgeist for the first time and feeling really existential.

About to read some commentaries on the film, since tons of stuff wasn't cited.
Drinking a vanilla milkshake. yummy

that fucking milkshake song just popped in my head.
arguing with joe (heartless_name) about politics again. except we're doing it at the nevermore boards instead of the cob-ot boards so i don't have the cob brigade ganging up on me :lol:
Arguing close relatives about politics is frustrating and depressing.

Oh, that reminds me. My dad told me a while ago that he'd made up his mind on voting for McCain. I asked him why, and the first thing he said was that he doesn't want a black guy with a Muslim background as President.

Oh, that reminds me. My dad told me a while ago that he'd made up his mind on voting for McCain. I asked him why, and the first thing he said was that he doesn't want a black guy with a Muslim background as President.


Hahaha racism is funny.

If I voted, I'd vote Obama, just because if any of my black friends found out I didn't vote for him, they'd pop a cap in my ass, G.
If you want to shut up a group of people, get someone who looks like them but thinks like you in charge. That way nothing has to change.
Nothing. A friend called me a few days ago and wants to start a death metal project and has been working on riffs and I plan on working on riffs tomorrow and than hopefully we can eventually record everything on his 8 track which records onto cd, he also plays drums and has various basses so for bass each of us will just do various tracks and also record vocals and it should be pretty cool. Finding a drummer,bassist, and vocalist is probably going to be a pain in the ass.
Went to downtown to donate some blood plasma this morning for the first time, and the last time for sure. The place was creepy. You'd have rows and rows of mexicans hooked up to these devices which were a confusing mess of clear tubing and plastic bottles. The machines would pop and beep and chirp as their blood (and their plasma) rose and fall against the plastic lining. The people would look at me, and I couldn't help but feel the fear inside them, as if they needed the money so bad that the risk was worth it. During my physical the examiner gave me this paper to read which basically said that the machine they used would separate the blood from the plasma, and there was a rare chance that air could accidentally be inserted inside my veins (since the blood is returned to you once it is separated) and lead to death. I asked the guy "so this air thing whats up?" he stood up and responded: "well the machines are safe, it's not like it's common, but if it happens it happens" I was like What? Damn! Here I am signing papers putting my life in the hands, sorry, gears of a stupid machine. Where I later found out by my cousin is the same technology they used when he donated alot back in the 80's. Wow! That explains the hush and silence and eerie stillness of that room where everyone was hooked up. Cept for the stupid batman movie they put up on the tv, lol. Ya what a way to die.
Bored, reading stuff about lost continent myths.

There were underwater structures found near a japanese island, some of which are about 10,000 years old and some people say they are man-made and geologists argue that they are natural. And others argue that they were natural rock formations modified by people.


Probably going to bed after this post. I got pulled over tonight(i mean earlier being it's not tonight anymore) HA! funnay... not rly. still sucked regardless not getting a ticket.
