The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Tara you're never online. I want to bother you about graphic design moar cuz we're apparently the only two people doing art-related school work here.
Tara you're never online. I want to bother you about graphic design moar cuz we're apparently the only two people doing art-related school work here.

I am usually on AIM during the evening times (after 9:00pm). I'm at work from 11-8 and can't really use it here because I would get next to nothing done if I did.
Bored as fuck. I've been Dildolized today, yeah I know that's not a word but i've been dildolized.
Just got back from the White Sox game and i'm going to see them AGAIN tomorrow. I'm so fucking pumped! It's make or break tomorrow for them and if they can pull it off it'll be epic.
gonna go to school right naw and do an online assignment about logarithmic properties. Rather easy compared to the inverse functions, actually that was easy to. Even finding the domains of the composite functions of g(f(x)) and f(g(x)) was rather easy, cept for the properties of exponential functions which was easy. EASY
public Monster()
private int hitPoints;


Yeah. We're doing utter bollocks :kickass: And did that Void thing to make it wail. You divide the HP by 10 and it did an appropriate amount of lines saying "OOOOOOOOOOoooooh"

Speaking of that, I have a buddy who took Computer Science in high school and made a program in C++ that asked 'Would you like a cock in the eye'? and no matter if you put 'Yes' or 'No', this big ASCII penis would ejaculate into a dude's eye. He worked on that the entire semester.

He did the ASCII coding for the graphic himself.
I went home in the middle of a lesson to get my book and ended pu going on here while I emailed my self some work (lost my flash drive at school somewhere).

Someones got all my dodgy prons now. Happy happy cleaners.