The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I black out from those and Yager bombs now. I just stay away from redbull+alcohol alltogether.

Last time I went to the movies, I shared a 2/6 of jaeger straight and a bit of an energy drink (not sure if it was redbull) to chase it, and I had my own mickey of sourpuss. And I didn't even get buzzed, I think it just confused my body. That's why I'm not drinking alcohol and energy drinks at the same time...

Not to mention jaeger tastes like really thick, sweet cough syrup...:erk:
Enjoying my day off from school. Jewish holidays ftw.
Got my guitar set up today. It took forever and cost me over $50 but now it has teh heavy strings and D tuning and sounds sweet. While I was at the store I checked out the Peavey 6505. It's fucking sex in a box.
Enjoying my day off from school. Jewish holidays ftw.
Got my guitar set up today. It took forever and cost me over $50 but now it has teh heavy strings and D tuning and sounds sweet. While I was at the store I checked out the Peavey 6505. It's fucking sex in a box.

It would be weird if we had a day off for a Jewish holiday. Considering there is like one Jew in our whole school.
didnt have anything to clean my frying pan with so I made some english muffins with strawberry jelly instead of eggs and sausage
So I realized at work that I left the muffin bag open all day long. Just now did I actually remember. dammit! they were still soft though

lol the joys of living alone :p
yep, pretty much
Back from the gym. Today's my roommate's birthday so his mother is taking us out for Indian food tonight. Can't wait.

hmm...indian food! It's too bad that I can't get anything decent in Ottawa. The indian restaurants here are just awful. I usually have some only when I'm in Montreal where there are actually decent indian places.