The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I downloaded my first podcasts tonight, in the interest of learning about cool stuff while driving back and forth from campus and work. I kind of want to start listening to them now, but unfortunately I have homework due tomorrow.
Nothing. A friend his girlfriend and I got wicked stoned than went swimming at her work which as two hot tubs and a pool which was nice.

and... how the hell can people watch nancy grace, she's so mindblowingly ugly.
Starbucks? I got a free drink from them today. They opened a new store close to where I work and people were standing on the side of the highway handing out coupons.

Caramel frappucino = :worship:


Starbucks. Carmamel frappucino sounds either really good or disgusting as hell. I get a caffe latte everytime and next time and getting a cappacino.
It seems like most people I know either love or hate Starbucks. Those here, who don't like Starbucks typically drink Tim Hortons coffee...which isn't bad, but it's pretty average. I guess you get what you pay for though, it's cheap.

I like really strong coffee, with lots of caffeine. Honestly, who needs shots of espresso when you can drink a full cup.
I either drink a really strong shot of espresso or a cup of mid-strong one. Without milk nor sugar of course not a pussy tbh.