The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I either drink a really strong shot of espresso or a cup of mid-strong one. Without milk nor sugar of course not a pussy tbh.

I just don't get the whole shots of espresso thing. Like what good does a couple of shots do?

I don't mind coffee black, but I usually add a tiny bit of milk to my coffee, it blends in nicely and removes the water-taste to it. If the coffee is slightly weak, I can't drink it...I know plenty of people who drink coffee that tastes like tea to me - I like tea, but not when I want coffee. And I never add sugar.
Just got back from the first day of Bev Metieval festival. Well it was fun :)

The only band you may have heard of was Skyclad. Most of the others put on a good show too. Especially one band called Hades Aperture. Fucking impressive stage presence and skill. Nothing at all on the net about them that I can see.

Ravenage are a newish vikingy type band, I bought their EP for £5 (expensive!!!!).

Decent (live anyway) DM band called infernal creation were there. Bought their CD. Full album for £3, now that's better.

A band called Heat Ray played old style thrash and heavy metal and basically stole the show for the most part. The vocalist jumped down and did some weird jig in the crowd. hehehehehe They don't sound very good on their myspace but live they are ace.

tomorrow some more unsigned bands play and then Blaze.
Back from seeing the Friday comedy act. That Greek-class (but not Greek) girl watched "300" with me, though I've seen it a million times. She invited me to a party tomorrow night.
I just had a coffee and am relaxing listening to Summoning. I'll propably have few beers this evening it's a shame I haven't seen Winter around for a long time.