The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Jerk off to Peste Noire? I am in fucking high school and yet I am obviously a tad bit more mature than you. What you are saying/asked for is pathetic. I do not care if that labels me as an asshole or anything.

Get professional help soon.
I just sat through both of the Presidential debates tonight, which I missed seeing live. God that was exhausting. Second one wasn't really worth it since they repeated about 95% of what they said in the first one. I think I'll be skipping the third.
Alter, I can assure you that Ozzman's post asking for pictures was not serious so there was really no need to get your panties in a bunch.

V.V.V.V.V. said:
I am eagerly awaiting mutantllama's report about how his water was.

Me too! In fact, I am going to periodically check this thread from work so I don't miss anything. :lol:
It was half-serious. I didn't care either way if Zeph posted a picture. I was just trying to be funny, but Alter's sense of humor sucks a bag of donkey shit, so whatever.
Only coffee. going over to a girlfriends soon and hoping she is horny.

anyone remember the saying about how sluts sit so you can tell if they want it or not.

girls who sit like this get something something yadda blah like that. what is it