The Whining and Bitching Thread

butt filling?


numb as fuck?


eww eww eww eww

that is like sooooo groaoooos


like totally
I have like 7 or 8 numbers (girls) that I wanna call today but I am too scared :( :(

strong social skills >>>>>>>> looks in terms of how people look upon you

I could not shower or shave for a month and still be good friends with 90% of people I meet :lol:

Dana (lady at the top) has an exquisite bottom from doing lots of hardcore lunges and squats

this is why I tell all girls to do squats!!!!

edit: if anybody wants to see more pics of gorgeous 16-22 year old REAL girls (not photoshopped bullshit with plastic tits), tell me.

LMFAO at you

1)thinking that you are even in the same universe of hotness as dana is. Dana is a 9 9.5 ish, you're maybe a 5-6

2)Thinking that Dana allows people to walk over her, uhhh she's a fucking bodybuilder (IE squatting benchpressing like 180 190 pounds). Trust me, she has no problems standing up for herself... :lol:

Only some of the shit Dave has said.
Dave was just complete shit, I didn't post much here during the Ohiogrinder and Dave era.