The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yep, I know him via message boards and internet stuff. He only IMs me these says to ask me if I like some band or have heard some album/band and that's the extent of the conversation.
No you don't.

My transmission in my car is shot. It will cost me more money than I wish to spend and will seriously cut into the "buy me a new mp3 player" fund.
Preceding this clusterfuck of multi-quoting, a little bitching:
My school isn't going to tell us what classes we got and what teachers till the first day of school. This actually makes a difference because there's summer work for some of my classes and I'd like to know whether I'm in the class before I start doing the work.

The first one was awesome.
And then they rereleased it with new voices and shit like 2 years later and it's like WTFBITCH? TEAM ROCKETS VOICES ARE WRONG. The games were the best ever. I bought a gameboy just for it.
I played the gameboy games long after I stopped watching the show.

Ugly ones are better for rape, they're glad they found a friend.
No one will believe that anyone would have raped them ftw

I still want to know why Dodens doesn't seem to think I'm a woman.
Because (if I can say this in a non-flirtatious way) you're every lonely metalhead's dream girl; smart, attractive, metalhead, and you don't shy away from most of our absurd machismo.

I have to say, the attention the girls on this forum get is inordinate. No offense meant ladies but the complimenting is excessive.
Somebody's jealous. :err:

It's mostly because we're a bunch of ugly fucks, and then some people we'd actually want to look at show up. But yeah, I agree.

I only caught the arse end of the Dave era.

I wish I was here for it all :(
I missed dave, but I was unlucky enough to get the very end of Blue Jay.
My campus shows a different movie every weekend and this week's movie was Sex and the City. One of the Chinese girls on my floor loves Sex and the City, so I brought her and two of her Chinese friends to see it, but they forgot to bring money, so I paid for all of us. So I was sitting here feeling pretty high and mighty when one of them came back and reimbursed me for all three of their $1 admission fees and now I feel bad because that deducts points back away from my pimp cred.
Rabid could be dumb, but I don't think he was bad enough to get banned. There are posters currently posting that are worse than Rabid ever was. The other two listed are in a totally different league of shit.

Also, my supervisor at work is a dick and I want to crush his jaw.