The Whining and Bitching Thread

More the point of the thing than actually having to turn off my music. Damned if I'll be told what to do in my own fucking room, especially when its something as stupid as that.
I guess it's boarding school, so things are different...
My parents never bother me about my music, although my mom always asks me to turn my guitar down.
I've never played Zeppelin.
Speaking of shit, I may have an opportunity to record some of mine soon. I'll probably stick it on a CDR and send 'em to anyone who wants one.
Yeah, the only time I play my music loud enough to be audible outside my room is in retaliation to the Disturbed and SoaD coming from the room above.
k so far Fenrir is the bitchiest person on this board. WaiF comes in second with 20.

FenriR 23
WeAreInFlames 20
mutantllama 17
Feathers & Flames 17
Number of posts in this thread?
Only thing I can think of...I don't whine and bitch that much, do I?
O rly?

Must be, though tbh most of my posts are trying to reas6n w5th F+F wh6 sh643d be the rea3 w5nner 6f th5s thread.
He's posted photos...of a fat thing with emo hair...who knows? I always assumed he was a guy, since he had typical guy interests - alchohol and breasts.