The Whining and Bitching Thread

But it's not college tbh.

I had 3 AM studio classes every day except Friday this semester. That means at 8 AM every morning I was either doing sculpture or drawing. Death. And no those two things are not easy :p
I don't know how it happened, but some tard set the date on my computer ahead by one day.

I used to fuck with peoples computers all the time at my old desk job.

Well that's different. When it's done intentionally, or to be an ass, it's lulz (as in 99% of situations in life).

When it's done due to computer illiteracy (wtf does this do hurr), which I suspect is what happened, it's just... why the fuck would they do that? :erk:
there arnt any damn arkhon infaustus tabs, theres my bitch of the day.