The Whining and Bitching Thread

I am fuckin' bored of my life. Everyday the same routine, on and on. I want some changes in my life. Everyday, i am sitting on my ass, either watching tv, or browsing this forum.
Skjebnevette: what the FUCK
Skjebnevette: the fuck USPS guy just threw my fucking package at me
Skjebnevette: he fucking threw it
Skjebnevette: what the hell
Skjebnevette: it hit me in the chest
swizzlenuts: FUCKING cunt
Skjebnevette: I'm serious
Skjebnevette: he was walking up the stairs and I was standing there
Skjebnevette: and then
Skjebnevette: he fucking tossed it
Skjebnevette: and smiled
I just remembered why I stopped playing football. I'm fairly bad, so I always end up in goal. Standing in the fucking sun for 20 minutes having balls kicked at me is not my idea of fun.

I have yet to find a summer sport that I actually enjoy, except for swimming, but this is england so either the pools are shit or really fucking overpriced and, of course, there are no decent lakes or rivers to swim in for free anywhere.
So of course this morning my car's engine overheats because a hole burst in the pipe that connects the radiator to the engine. Now I have three hours left to replace this pipe and change the oil so that I can get to the Judas Priest in-store event at Vintage Vinyl. The auto parts store is supposed to have the part ready for me to pickup in an hour. Nothing better fucking go wrong.
I just remembered why I stopped playing football. I'm fairly bad, so I always end up in goal. Standing in the fucking sun for 20 minutes having balls kicked at me is not my idea of fun.

I have yet to find a summer sport that I actually enjoy, except for swimming, but this is england so either the pools are shit or really fucking overpriced and, of course, there are no decent lakes or rivers to swim in for free anywhere.

No public pools = gay. We have them and some are good (except for when kids pee in them :()
On the other side, some people are allergic to chlorine. I know a girl and she has some vaginal reactions when swimming in a pool. I ate that pussy anyway. Well I didn't know it. She told me after. Bitch.
God, I'm bitching a lot this evening. I'm bored out of my mind, can't go drinking and there's nothing on the 3 SHIT CHANNELS we get at this boarding school for another 1h20m. And I have nothing to do.