The Whining and Bitching Thread

The only good thing about MD tbh. If the snow sticks the road enough to be visible then no school.
it didn't even stick to the road that day, it barely stuck to the grass :lol: it was only like 30 degrees or so

the only other good thing about MD is the kick ass seafood. personally, i think MD has the best seafood
I had to go home on Wednesday for an orthodontist and doctor's appointment on Thursday and we received two inches of snow between when I got home and when I left Thursday afternoon. About three miles from my house, I came around a corner only doing about 25 or 30 mph, because I knew it was slippery, but my back spun out anyway and my car started fishtailing all over the road. Fortunately, I live in the middle of nowhere and it's all back roads, so I didn't have to worry about pedestrians or other traffic and just straightened it out into a ditch. Fortunately, the ditch was already so full of snow that my car didn't sink into it, so I just turned left and drove over the snow back onto the road.

EDIT: If we cancelled class every time we got a few inches of snow, we would have a negative number of days in our year.
MD is ridiculous with snow days. tbh, they only call off school just so they can have a day off considering that we only get a decent amount of snow every 5 years or so. i remember, when i lived in ohio, walking to school with 8 inches of snow on the ground
8 inches and school might be canceled. Then again, a good portion of the students at my school live in the middle of no where, so it's not like we can just walk.
i lived in a rather povershed county in ohio (gurnsey county) so there weren't too many buses. only the high schools and a couple of middle and elementry schools had buses. 6 out of the 8 schools i went to in ohio, i had to walk to
I'm gonna bitch about V5 closing sadistik's rant thread. It wasn't a 5-star thread of course, but it was mildly interesting, and there was no clear reason for closing it other than that V5 wasn't interested in it (oh god forbid). Shit call on his part imo.
My friend shagged this girl the other day without any form of contraception and is getting tested for HIV. The shit thing is he had to wait 2 months for results.
Every time I see the word "shag" this comes to mind.
I'm gonna bitch about V5 closing sadistik's rant thread. It wasn't a 5-star thread of course, but it was mildly interesting, and there was no clear reason for closing it other than that V5 wasn't interested in it (oh god forbid). Shit call on his part imo.

It should have been closed just as it began, the unfortunate part is that I wasn't online when it first got posted. It doesn't need a whole thread and could have just as easily been put in this very thread, there could have been some arguing, and it'd be all over. There were like 5 different conversations going on within it also, which never makes for a good thread unless there's good quoting going on. The best thing I can do to placate everyone involved is just merge it into this thread as I mentioned, but the main problem with merging is it sorts everything in the merged thread into the thread in chronological order, which could ruin the readability even more tbh.
I'm gonna bitch about V5 closing sadistik's rant thread. It wasn't a 5-star thread of course, but it was mildly interesting, and there was no clear reason for closing it other than that V5 wasn't interested in it (oh god forbid). Shit call on his part imo.

also, why was the "top 25 most played" thread closed? i don't really care, i'm just curious
Because everyone can just click on anyone's link in their sig or whatever, that kind of thing just takes up space, it's not discussion, we already have stuff like NP threads for similar (not the same obviously) purposes, etc. I think I have the right to close stuff like that.
My friend shagged this girl the other day without any form of contraception and is getting tested for HIV. The shit thing is he had to wait 2 months for results.

um.... it takes about 2 months for HIV to show up in your bloodstream... so you actually have to wait 2 months AFTER you have unprotected sex in order to get tested... test results usually take 1-2 weeks. so if he got tested the day after he had sex... well HIV wouldn't show up even if he was infected. so basically if that is the case his HIV test is worthless. he needs to wait two months or so after his incident of unprotected sex and then get tested.
Words of wisdom- don't workout at 5:30 in the morning, go to school, have gym class, play rugby, go home, and then go back to the gym with your friend. It's just not worth it guys.