The Whining and Bitching Thread

For most of the week it was cold here, but we finally got some nice upper 60s today. Should be the same tomorrow.
I took the day off of work today to go see a doctor. I might have a possible hernia:erk:. God i hope not, but i do have an irritating pain in my lower abs and lower back and it's probably from weightlifting.
I'm sure I must have done that before on a really shitty home alone holdiay snowstorm flu day. I didn't get a burn.
I am pissed. My doctor advised me to stay away from the gym for at least 2 weeks and has me on medication. I somehow caused a tear in my abdominals and its causing my back to hurt at the same time. Aggh at least it's not a hernia.
More bitching...just found out that Metal Maniacs are calling it quits.
Thats retarded considering that i finally decided to subscribe to a metal mag (only received 3 issues) and end up getting shafted.
I take it there is no refund.
My jaw fucking hurts and I don't know why. I get this sharp pain and pressure when I open my mouth. So that rules out the possibility of Ozzman putting his cock in my mouth while I was sleeping.