The Whining and Bitching Thread

Damnit I hate most human beings and society so much. I cant stand going to malls or any place that is busy with human interaction because it drives me nuts to see so many people who are all so faceless and look just like one another. The fact that they all strive to be unique and end up comforming is amusing but disturbing as well. The fact that they cant open their eyes drives me insane.

There are so many fucking problems in the world, and yet people still have to be full of themselves and full of shit and try to care about non important things. Obama swatted a fly, and PETA was on his ass and had a statement to make. Always with the statements. Vegitarians want us to stop eating animals. THEY WERE ALREADY KILLED FOR US TO CONSUME, NOT eating them would make the animals ROT IN HELL and go to waste.

As for global warming, and the polar ice caps melting, and environmenalists, BRING ON THE FUCKING HEAT BABY. Let the ice caps melt and drown us all, and the heat kill off whoever survives. Whoever wants to save the environment is a greedy pig, because the earth will be just fine after global warming comes and passes. WE will be the ones who dont survive, the stupid inferior race who killed themselves off, we deserve to be erased from existence. In a few million years the earth will shrug this whole era off, as it has with bigger disasters like ice ages, and when it was made. It will fix itself, but we wont be here to get in the way.

Then there are the stupid ethics that get in the way of everything. Fuck conservaties, fuck politicians, and morales. Stem Cell research has been delayed and has many obstacles to cross because people feel it is their duty to make arguments out of the smallest things, such as whether fertilized eggs and cells are babies. Who cares?! We have enough babies and people on earth, we dont need more. So when someone ejaculates into a sock and kills 3million potential babies, is that genocide? Population control people. Approve abortion, hell, make it cheaper. Clone people to harvest their organs for our own advancement. I would consent to have a copy of myself killed, to keep me alive. Hell, Id shoot him myself. I would rather work hard to save animals, who havent done a thing to us, than prevent ourselves from using humans as medical devices.

And then there are the gays who take it upon themselves to become these annoying people who have to shove it in your face that they are gay, complete with gay clothes and a fake gay lisp. And on the other hand we have the monkeys who cant handle someone being different than themselves, and try to make everyone conform to their ignorant beliefs.

A smaller hatred topic would be black and white people alike, and asians and hispanics, and anyone else who fit their stereotype. What irks me is that they are all content being tools and living life day by day, doing the same routine until they die and are forgotten, having left nothing on this earth but more work for the maggots that will consume them.


I feel alot better now.
Friends are unneccessary, and id rather buy a lay then have to work for it since itll all end up in breakups anyways.
If you think some trendy metal-core band that sounds exactly the same as every other metal-core band right now are better and a better listening expirience than Lacuna Coil you must be fucking deaf.

Devildriver and bands like them are the fucking plague, they're wannabee's of metal music and the entire metal genre is flooded.

Lacuna Coil does not give me this vibe they actually even listen to metal music or are trying to be metal, they're more appealing to me than some average musicians who are fucking posers and suck at trying to play real metal. I fucking hate bands like that more than anything.
On Monday night I went to my friend's house, but I ended up staying so late that I was too tired to drive home. She offered to let me stay at her house, which is what I was hoping anyway, because I'm sort of interested in her. I looked for a spot on her floor, but she said I could just pick a spot in her bed, which was awesome. I didn't want to be rude though, but she said it was fine because she always stays up late and probably wouldn't be going to bed until after I was awake. Anyway, I woke up around 7:30 when I tried to roll over but couldn't because she was pressed up against me too closely :cool:

Anyway, I'm posting in the whining and bitching thread because she just left for Albany and won't be back for over a week and my summer class will probably be finished by the time she gets back. Now I may not get to sleep with her again :(