The Whining and Bitching Thread

It's official. This was the rainiest June on record for the state of Maine. There were a total 4 days in which the sun came out AT ALL. They say it will finally clear this weekend, and it better because I want my fireworks over the harbor.
I really hope July and August will be nice.

I have to work on the 4th, but at least I get holiday hours, and it's only for like 3 or 4 hours.
I've been really depressed and anxious the past month or two and there have been times where I've thought about putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger because I'm just so frustrated with everything. My job sucks, my social life sucks and everything about life just sucks right now. It doesn't help that I live alone and I'm just really lonely all the time even though I'm technically seeing someone, but she is in Tennessee right now.

I need to get some help.
I've been really depressed and anxious the past month or two and there have been times where I've thought about putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger because I'm just so frustrated with everything. My job sucks, my social life sucks and everything about life just sucks right now. It doesn't help that I live alone and I'm just really lonely all the time even though I'm technically seeing someone, but she is in Tennessee right now.

I need to get some help.

Put things in perspective. You're financially stable.

I could say my life right now is the best it's ever been, but once I graduate and my parents cut the cord, I could be in deep shit if I can't find work, since I'll have degrees in Latin and History. So I'm increasingly worrying about grad school, since I have to get a Phd. to guarantee a stable living. And my girlfriend is an Ecology major, so there's no hope coming from her field either.
That was my original plan but I agree with my professors that I'm much better suited for the university environment. I'll probably still teach as I go along, perhaps at a private school if I'm not a TA.
I've been really depressed and anxious the past month or two and there have been times where I've thought about putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger because I'm just so frustrated with everything. My job sucks, my social life sucks and everything about life just sucks right now. It doesn't help that I live alone and I'm just really lonely all the time even though I'm technically seeing someone, but she is in Tennessee right now.

I need to get some help.
It might be worthwhile to seek professional help.
I used to think that way when I was depressed but now I don't. Maybe it's the antidepressants.