The Whining and Bitching Thread

So I missed my bus to an appointment, so I had to pay £15 for a taxi, plus the bus fare back. When I got there the woman said 'Oh I rang you to say don't bother to come'.
Meh, I would rather the antidepressants than the other shit I would have going on otherwise. I don't care if it makes me less of a man or not.
I've been really depressed and anxious the past month or two and there have been times where I've thought about putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger because I'm just so frustrated with everything. My job sucks, my social life sucks and everything about life just sucks right now. It doesn't help that I live alone and I'm just really lonely all the time even though I'm technically seeing someone, but she is in Tennessee right now.

I need to get some help.

High five man. I also feel depressed of my life. I am feeling even more depressed these past 5-6 months because of my health condition.
It doesn't help that I live alone and I'm just really lonely all the time

I so warned you about that.

Anyway, I would recommend one or more of the following:

a) more pot

b) moving in with someone, or if you have an extra room in your place, rent it out to someone else

c) see a psychologist (a little peace of mind's worth the price in dignity, no?)

edit: and get some exercise too - it gives you an excuse to get outdoors, and you'll feel better if you're healthier.